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Thread: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    There are lots of people who arguing that unlock should not be considered as an upgrade. you would understand the entire thing after looking at the below mentioned things.
    Pathfinder- Bolt Launcher supposed to be enough devastating. It is having capability to have one shot lights in the game. it can be used for the direct upgrade from Light Spinfusor. However nitron change would give you Light Spinfusor an edge against of the Bolt. However I wanted to tell you that Bolt Launcher would require to tweak.

    Sentinel- it is quite easy to use in the game. you will not be able to hold if it is in a close range. Nova Colt is supposed to acceptable as it would need great aim as well as rewards if you wanted to great damage in the game. Falcon is quite easy to use as I have already mentioned. But it is not able to better damage. However I could not say whether it is an upgrade or not.

    Technician- The Thumper did not seems to be overpowered. But it is a direct upgrade I am not having any doubt about the same. you have to take it out and nuke it and simply throw it.

    Raider- is an unlock. According to me it seems to be most balanced over the all the classes available in the game. you cannot decided which one is winner between Arx and Grenade Launcher. Both of them are having their own benefits as per the situations. It is good example of sidegrade
    Juggernaut- I don’t have any idea about this particular class as I have not played the same.

    Doombringer- The mines. Are the defense class. They are more useful as compared to the grenade.. I could not say that its an OP but I think I would go for mines rather than that grenade.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    After going through the post of I wanted to tell you should be aware of the thing why are you saying something OP. all the gamers are bandwagon with others. If you are thinking that weapons are bit frustrating that you could be killed. So I think there are great chances to have OP in the game. you will need to dig a lot so that to figure out whether the weapon are really frustrating or they are OP in the game.

    If I am not wrong this particular game is not having any broken weapons at all. however you will need to use lots of tweaks so that you can get the desired results.

    I let you know that I really hate thumper. Though is great indoor weapon which can be used for counter infiltrators which supposed to used for the floor. If you are going to use it in outdoor then it could be useful when you will use as a bolt launcher. There is no need of thinking what amount of the damage it supposed to do in the game. however if I am not wrong it would be able to 100 damage. But it is not much awful weapon as you are saying but it would require tweaking to do little bit though. I won’t use SMG. It seems to be underpower however it is the best weapon after chaingun if I am not wrong.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    You are right about Thumper. I am not saying that I hate Thumper. However if you need to make selection between Thumper and SMG then you would be fool if you don’t select Thumper. That does not mean that SMG is underpowered and Thumper is overpowered. However one of them is really useful while playing the game. there is need of careful balance in order to tweak the item so that it can be sidegrades and it cannot be considered as an upgrade. thumper should be kept into the game however it needs only half of the image.
    But still it would be nice of you have selected any of above. However it would require little bit damage on nerf. Its true that thumper is not a direct upgrade however one should use the same whenever it supposed to be a projectile whenever you are going to get the high damage output in the game. gamers who are new to game will not be able to aim at all by using the same when using bullet weapons. I think make use of SMG could be more risky. But using the same in the most favorable situation would provide great output. Most of the gamers would like to use projectiles and explosions as compared to bullets. There is nothing to do of weapons are not appealing as compared rather than both the weapons are balanced.

  4. #4
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    May 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    Personally I am making use of JUG class all the time in the game. however I would recommend to go for Fusion mortar as it is more particular as compared to aiming. They are doing more explosion. If someone is going enough faster than you will need to shoot the mirv or mortar on the ground. Mortar would do big doom in the game. in case veterans supposed to get better stuff as compared to the newbie in the game. if there are high skillcap then it would discourage the new players and it would be really bad for the game. in high skillcap game it should be enough to deal with veterans and it would crush the new players. If there are better stuffs involved then this particular game would become more aggravating. The most important thing is how long this particular game would survive and how to get the attention of the new players. Since if you don’t have the same you will definitely loose players eventually game would be dead.

  5. #5
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    May 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    there were no unlockable weapons available in Team Fortress 2 video game as compared to Tribes Ascend. we need to upgrade all the stuffs. There were lots of ups and down which were making bit difference in the gameplay style. You will be able to do some more damage at the cost of the clip size. There were some enemies who would having feature to promote brazen and having aggressive gaming style.

    As far as this particular game is concerned we need to fit the same into the niche. All the weapons should be used which is suitable to most of the situation. if there is one weapon which is another than that of other weapon then the inferior weapon could not be used. So it implies that its just a wastage of the time and animation made for the same.

    According to me veteran could not be better as he is able to get better weapons and items whenever needed in the game. he getting large number of weapons for selection and items to be used for theveteran judgment. So that he will be able to adept in better as per the situation and help the team whenever required.

    If I am not wrong there are several way to vary the projectile the weapon attribute and it supposed to difficult with the new weapon so that it can play the unique role in the game. it is concerned with damage, radius, reload speed, Clip size, Effect-on-hit. It can be varied so that we will be able to create a new and interesting weapon in the game. heavy-hitting fast-firing however slow moving projectile weapon would be really great for the gameplay. fast-moving but a weak projectile and it supposed to accelerates and it travels and serves as a good weapon so that it can snipe the enemies who are standing in the mid range. But you can not used the same if they are out of the range. There are lots of possibilities we can have with the game which we can have into the different kind of the situation.
    Unlock in the game should be used for the unlocking different kind of gameplay but it cannot be used for improving the same kind of gameplay.

  6. #6
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    May 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    Yes there are lots of people in the game available who are saying that unlock should not be called as an upgrade. Why it should not be done because it would completely unbalanced the game. I can explain the same by using below mentioned example. If any players is going to pay gold so that he can get the Thumper where as other player who is not able to pay gold would take lots of times to get the same. it is true that Thumper is better weapon as compared to SMG. There is no need to think about the players who are not having gold. Personally I am not in the against of unlocks.
    Simply consider Arx Buster vs Grenade Launcher. If any player is going to pay for Grenade Launcher then that player supposed to use disrupt your enemy base. If any gamers did not wanted to pay gold to get Grenade Launcher then also he can use Arx and he will be able to get his need without affecting the entire gameplay. According to me no one is superior between Grenade Launcher and Arx Buster. Players used to argue between both of them but in fact there are no one is winner rather they are good in terms of sidegrade. Irrespective of that thumper and SMG we know that Thumper is winner.
    Well upgrade seems to be bad as player who are not paying would get disadvantage. You will get the benefit at the later stages but they should not be do the same.

  7. #7
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    May 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    I don’t wanted tell you that there should not be unlocked. Unlock would be useful to be better when you have started the game bad. its is nice to see that people are saying Thumper as a better a weapon. This particular assault rifle would do better in outdoors to point of the people if I am not wrong. I am the one of them who are saying that this particular thing is balanced. I have noticed that people were downgrading weapon so that they can get the enough amount of the success. Irrespective of whether it is inf and techs, grenades. The main thing is that some of the weapons are giving lots of advantages in particular situation than that of the other. But it does not mean that those weapons are having no disadvantage.

  8. #8
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    May 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    Their should be any reason so that people should pay for this particular game. if there is no reason to pay then it wont be good for the developer of the game. it would be bad for the gamers who are looking to get the latest updates continually. There are sidegrades existing as they are supposed to be default weapon rather than that of some specific situation. paid player should not get any access to the better equipments as unlock would not exist. Until and unless they are cosmetics and would not affect the gameplay. If I am not wrong there is only one reason which I can imagine. People are supposed to pay to make the thing faster. In order to get better weapon and sidegrades faster. Its not true that people would go an purchase only upgrades.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: unlockable items are not upgrade in Tribes Ascend

    There is base-defending happening with the Doombringers. I have find out the same that they are not supposed to more common in the game. they are having great synergy with Technicians. n-base Force-Fields as well as Mines are seems to be great for the mindgames as well as general stalling. You will not be able expect that base defense would do in this particular manner. I have taken the Mines to the EMP Grenades but I think they are supposed to do better as compared to the wimpy grenades. I know that HBL to be considered as slow weapon where as DMB is known as a secondary weapon when you wanted to play into indoor gaming. Motion sensors are also not working with the infiltrator. It does not notice turret in your room and getting screwed as he supposed to getting sapped all the energy. Health is supposed to be depleted in the game. Motion sensors are doing well as they are currently .

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