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Thread: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

  1. #1
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    Feb 2012

    GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    I have been playing Mass Effect 3 for many days now. I have played Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 in past. I couldn’t understand how the Tiers of the characters in this game have been designed. I am still confused how the concept works. It seems completely different from the Tier design that was present in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Can someone explain me the design and concept of it. Also can someone suggest me what combination are best for achieving a good performance in game?

  2. #2
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    May 2011

    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    The Tier list is designed in such a way that it is assumed that every player can take down big targets and small enemies with same intensity. There shouldn’t be inequality like some character class will be good in killing big targets while some will be good only for killing the small enemies. This time the ease of use for the player is not taken into the consideration. If one character class is good in one thing, then he won’t be able to perform other activities well. For example, Infiltrators are good at long range attacks but weak in melee fights and short range attacks. When combined with proper weapons and powers, its long range attacks can be devastating. Similarly Vanguards are good in melee fights, but weak in long ranged fights. Asari have good control over the power they posses. But Asari are bad at fight with weapons. So this is how, all the character classes have been brought at equal level. The earnings of gold and XP is same for all classes. If you find any difference, then it will be because you might have missed some bonus that might be not possible to achieve with abilities of your class. But to compensate for it, you will find more amount of gold and XP in later stages. But overall earning is nearby equal. The classes are designed to show the effectiveness and not to provide experimentation grounds in using different classes. You can complete any level and whole game using any class. You just have to recognize perfect combination of powers and weapons for the selected class. You have to also develop strategy depending on the shortcoming and advantages of your class. For example, if you are using an Infiltrator, then its specialty is long ranged attacks, try getting as many kills of enemies before they come near you. Do not use weapons meant for melee attacks as your characters abilities are not meant for it.

  3. #3
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    May 2011

    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    The scoreboard is based on the gold a character earns and not XP or kills. Same amount of gold can be earned by every class, so using every class you can top the scoreboard. You can even top the scoreboard with a level 1 player by using appropriate weapons and strategy. The tier list in Mass Effect 3 are as follows,
    Tier A: Asari Justicar (Attacking), Salarian Infiltrator, Asari Adept, Human Vanguard and Human Infiltrator (Shotgun Infiltrator)
    Drell Adept (accompanied by good bionic team-mate), Human Sentinel (Good for beating reapers when combined with Asari Adept) and Asari Vanguard
    Tier B: Salarian Engineer (This one is alone enough to have combined power of Tier A combination)
    Tier C: Human Soldier, Krogan Soldier, Turian Soldier, Human Engineer and Quarian Engineer.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2011

    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    My personal favorite is the Drell Vanguard, he can take the enemies in one melee hit. I just love his agility. With the light weapons and agility, he can quickly dodge the enemies that are trying to attack him; also a nicely upgraded Drell Vanguard alone can defeat hordes of large enemies in the game. But sometimes the game throws such a situation that Drell Vanguard doesn’t seem to be of any use. Turian Sentinel fills the remaining space that Drell Vanguard leaves empty. The best part of using him is that he can achieve a good amount of combos by linking together his multiple attacks. Another good thing about him is that he can use Tech with Overload as well as Biotic with Warp.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2011

    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    I like to have Asari Vanguard as my teammate. He is great when it comes to fight against the Cerberus. Many friends suggested me to use Asari Adept instead of Asari Vanguard as he is of higher level. But I with help of Asari Vanguard’s biotic charge, I can get the mobility and survivability that is not imaginable. To add to it, having him as teammate adds bonus value to the weapon damage. If you find defeating the Atlasses difficult and time consuming, try Asari Vanguard. He can easily beat them without having to spend large amount of ammo. Warp and Throw ability of Asari Vanguard comes into use in this situation. He is not effective against the marauders, but helps by getting them stunned. I can easily run away if I don’t want to kill them. He is useless when attacking the banshees, but using his Decoy power, you can distract the banshees and then kill them. Using decoy is much better than using drones to kill the Banshees. Human Vanguard too is a good team mate. When I played Mass Effect 3 for the first Time, I was using a Human Vanguard. You need to spend much gold on him than any other character I know. But this gold is worth as on full upgrade, he starts to use a very powerful biotic explosion. These full upgrade Biotic explosions are good enough to knock even the boss like enemies.

  6. #6
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    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    I prefer using the Human Vanguard and Salarian Engineer as my teammates. Human Vanguard is good at clearing enemies and and using his attacks to link each other and gain combo. Salarian Engineer is not as good as Human Vanguard, but when used in combination with him, he proves to be best teammate. He has good amount of power with less recharge time. I have seen many people using Human Engineer; I know that his stats show Human Engineer more powerful than Salarian Engineer. Human Engineer has speed run which is of no use. All he does with it is to run away from the team and get himself killed. Salarian Engineer if upgraded properly can use all four types of combo explosions. Back to human vanguard, he has a good amount of damage, but it is not enough to kill all the enemies that he encounters. This is because he has a slow attack rate. He is good for crowd controlling when combined with a long range weapon. I mean, just provide him and back him up yourself with an l long range gun and you can finish hordes of enemies in short time.

  7. #7
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    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    Salarian Engineer is good, but I like Quarian Engineer over him. She is provides a good debuffer and creates a good distraction. She doesn’t kill the enemies herself but usually acts as assister. She damages the enemies enough to let us kill them easily. Also Quarian Infiltrator is good team mate. He can cloak and snipe the enemies which proves to be a great backup support. He can use the sticky grenades as well as use his sabotage ability to create havoc in opposing faction. I don’t know how many of you use Prime from Geth? He is pretty good in fighting as he is 100% resistant to biotic explosions. The major drawback of him is that he is unable to dodge or evade warp and throw attacks. He has the Pyro and hunter shield which is useful for neutralizing biotic explosions. I use the chain Overlord power that the Prime posses. It is a great attacking power but drains too much of energy. This attack has lot of damage and a good attacking radius.

  8. #8
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    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    I think that best combination of team is where one can use biotic explosions as well as tech explosions. I use these explosions consecutively one after another. This gives a good amount of damage to the opposing team. Shields are good in closed areas but not of much use in open areas as they compromise the mobility of our character. I also believe that to enhance one’s performance, one should achieve different sets of combinations of attacks. To achieve all this I prefer using Salarian Engineer and Human Vanguard in combination. Tech Armor provided by the Salarian Engineer is very good for shielding but it is no match for the Carnage shield. Tech Armor when used on higher level becomes so strong that, you can actually make the phantoms fly away in air on punching using the shield. They fall at around 10 feet away distance from the position they are standing, it seems so hilarious as well as useful. Also the Decoy power of the Salarian engineer is of great use. It is very useful for distracting to enemies while you can attack them from behind. Many times the Salarian Engineer is compared with Salarian Infiltrator. I know that Salarian Infiltrator is better than Salarian Engineer. He is an all rounder and not a specialist. You can upgrade him in any single field, but he can never specialize in a specific ability. He has something of everything which leads to me to think that he can’t do anything completely. He has no shield, has low mobility and cannot execute large combos. I prefer having everything of something rather than having something of everything. That is why I prefer specialist characters like Salarian Engineer.

  9. #9
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    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    I too agree that Salarian Engineer proves to be good team mate. He can kill six to eight enemies in a single strike. He is good to use against almost all the enemies. I used to find fighting with Geth very hard until my girlfriend suggested me to use Salarian Engineer. With Salarian Engineer in my team, I defeated the Geths in no time and also saving a lot of resources. I remember a moment when Salarian Engineer in my tam killed two Phantoms, two Atalses, Centurion and Nemesis at the same time for 3 minutes by himself. Krogans are good to use as team mate, but I find that the gold earned using them is least if compared with other characters. They are good at fighting but give an impression of being dumb many times. They don’t get away from the enemy’s grenades but keep fighting the enemy. They even can’t wait till the enemy’s shield drains away. If the enemy is holding a shield and they continue to attack. I have played using a Drell Adept and Salarian Engineer; I think that Drell Adep is somewhat useful in some situations in which the Salarian Engineer can’t help you. Drell Adept can earn more gold than Salarian Engineer but when time comes to provide support Salarian Engineer can beat Drell Adept any day. He is not much of a team player, he is a lone player. Drell Adept, as mentioned above, is good for earning gold, which he is very useful in climbing on top of scoreboard. The solo performance that Drell Adept gives is useful in defeating the mini-bosses.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: GP’s Tier List in Mass Effect 3

    I like to use Human Infiltrator in tier A list rather than having any character from Salarian class or human Vanguard. The way I play this game, they have proved to be very useful against almost all types of enemies that I encountered. I don’t remember them failing to attack or provide support as needed. Their Range Speced Cryoblast proves to be great against large hordes of enemies that might be moving towards us. It doesn’t harm the shielded foes but is useful for the unprotected ones. Once they are upgraded to a high level, which gives them ability to cloak. I order them to cloak and snipe from distance, while I go on attacking the enemies at a short range. Also the regeneration rate of their powers is quite low. Combination of Salarian Engineers with Human Infiltrators is very good to lead an offensive strategy. It will not give you gold and much of XP, but it helps you in clearing the enemies in very less time. I don’t know how much people have tried it, but Human Infiltrator in Sabresandiego's build is extremely powerful and can defeat Gold Cerberus all alone. He is very much vulnerable to the attacks of Phantom, but if you provide him enough protection from them, he will prove as the best team mate you can ever have. You can easily over power almost every enemy; also you might need to spend least amount of ammo. He can take down Guardians and Centurions in one shot that too without getting a headshot. Yes, never provide him a shotgun; it never works in this combination. Also the attack rate of the human Infiltrator increases considerably. With Human Infiltrator in Sabresandiego's build in your team, chances of your survivability increases greatly.

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