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Thread: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    well I was just browsing on the web when I found this article that said that he Mass Effect 3 received an update to its multiplayer improved several things that they and the players have been detected. This was the last of three updates it has received the game this month and we finally know what it was that affected. Most of the improvements are related to the balance between weapons, shields and powers and there is almost no very important, but it is a long list. . It is noteworthy that BioWare probably will continue to update the multiplayer, so it pays to be alert to future changes and updates.

    You can find the full list belows as per the date , and the effects and how they were earlier in the current version

    March 6, 2012

    Adrenaline Rush Power
    • Base weapon damage bonus increased from 35% to 45%
    • Rank 4 weapon damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%

    Tech Armor Power
    • Base detonation damage increased from 200 to 400
    • Base cooldown decreased from 12 to 8 seconds

    • Base cooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds

    Cluster Grenade Power
    • Base damage increased from 450 to 500

    Proximity Mine Power
    • Evolve 3 “increase damage by X% to impacted targets” value changed from 25% to 20%

    Energy Drain Power
    • Evolve 6 now gives you a 40% damage reduction effect instead of 15%

    Drell Adept
    • Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 30% to 45%

    Mattock Assault Rifle
    • Damage increased from [76.195.2] to [83.7104.7]

    Carnifex Heavy Pistol
    • Encumbrance increased from [0.750.35] to [1.00.5]

    Revenant Assault Rifle

    • Damage increased from [47.659.6] to [52.966.2]

    Drell Vanguard
    • Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 30% to 45%

    Drell Fitness Power
    • Base health/shield bonus increased from 10% to 20%
    • Rank 2 health/shield bonus increased from 10% to 15%
    • Rank 4 health/shield bonus increased from 15% to 20%
    • Rank 6 health/shield bonus increased from 20% to 25%
    • Rank 6 movement speed bonus increased from 5% to 10%
    • Base regular melee damage increased from 150 to 225
    • Base heavy melee damage increased from 500 to 600

    Paladin Heavy Pistol
    • Encumbrance increased from [0.750.35] to [1.00.5]

    March 13, 2012

    Locust SMG
    • Damage increased from [26.232.8] to [30.139.3]

    Shuriken SMG
    • Damage increased from [29.336.6] to [33.642.1]

    Mattock Assault Rifle
    • Damage increased from [83.7104.7] to [94.2117.8]

    Geth Hunter
    Fixed a bug where Hunters would never recloak after decloaking to fire on Gold
    • (Bronze) Health increased from 750 to 900
    • (Bronze) Shields increased from 675 to 1013

    • (Silver) Health increased from 1125 to 1350
    • (Silver) Shields increased from 1013 to 1519
    • (Silver) Movement speed modifier while cloaked increased from 75% to 90%

    • (Gold) Health increased from 1688 to 2025
    • (Gold) Shields increased from 1519 to 2278
    • (Gold) Movement speed modifier while cloaked increased from 80% to 110%
    • (Gold) Aim delay before firing decreased from 0.5 to 0.25 seconds

    Sabotage Power
    • Damage from weapon backfire increased from 150 to 200
    • Rank 4 weapon backfire damage bonus increased from 30% to 50%
    • Maximum number of simultaneous hacked robots reduced from 2 to 1
    • Base cooldown increased from 8 to 14 seconds
    • Rank 5 cooldown bonus increased from 25% to 35%
    • Base hack duration reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
    • Rank 6 Berserk upgrade damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
    • Delay before enemies can attack hacked robots increased from 2 to 8 seconds

    Geth Trooper
    • Weapon damage increased from 30 to 35
    • (Bronze) Health increased from 750 to 825
    • (Silver) Health increased from 1125 to 1238
    • (Gold) Health increased from 1688 to 1856

    Geth Pyro
    • Damage of flamethrower increased from 50 to 65
    • (Bronze) Shields increased from 750 to 1170
    • (Silver) Shields increased from 1125 to 1755
    • (Gold) Shields increased from 1688 to 2633
    • (Silver & Gold) Evades less frequently from weapon damage
    • (Silver & Gold) Evades less frequently from projectile powers

    Geth Prime
    • (Silver) Reduced chance to play hit reactions from 35% to 27.5%
    • (Gold) Reduced chance to play hit reactions from 30% to 15%

    Tempest SMG
    • Damage increased from [35.744.6] to [41.153.5]

    Vindicator Assault Rifle

    • Damage decreased from [68.685.8] to [62.478.0]
    • Encumbrance increased from [1.00.5] to [1.250.7]

    March 20, 2012

    • (Silver) Armor increased from 11250 to 12940
    • (Silver) Shields increased from 11250 to 12940
    • (Gold) Armor increased from 16875 to 21094
    • (Gold) Shields increased from 16875 to 21094

    Phaeston Assault Rifle
    • Damage increased from [29.737.2] to [34.742.2]

    Claymore Shotgun
    • Damage increased from [152.8191.0] to [167.8206.0]

    Combat Drone Power
    • Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade damage increased from 150 to 250
    • Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters

    Falcon Assault Rifle
    • Increased refire time on the Falcon to 0.65 seconds
    • Decreased rate of fire from 125 to 50
    • Decreased max spare ammo from [2434] to [1828]

    Sentry Turret Power
    • Increased base shields from 500 to 1000
    • Increased base damage from 25 to 30
    • Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade damage increased from 150 to 250
    • Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters

    Ops Survival Pack Consumable
    • Increased amount of bonus shields given from 1000 to 1500

    Revenant Assault Rifle
    • Damage increased from [52.966.2] to [57.971.2]

    March 27, 2012

    Lift Grenade Power
    • Increased base damage from 450 to 500

    Falcon Assault Rifle
    • Damage increased from [215.0268.8] to [279.2349.0]

    Wraith Shotgun
    • Damage increased from [83.1103.9] to [89.5111.9]

    Geth Assault Rifle
    • Encumbrance decreased from [1.50.9] to [1.00.5]

    Paladin Heavy Pistol

    • Damage increased from [350.9438.7] to [389.9487.4]
    • Encumbrance increased from [1.00.5] to [1.50.9]

    Talon Heavy Pistol
    • Damage increased from [72.190.1] to [86.5108.1]

    Javelin Sniper Rifle
    • Damage increased from [795.0993.7] to [1030.51288.1]
    • Encumbrance increased from [2.52.0] to [3.02.4]
    • Max spare ammo decreased from [919] to [515]

    April 3, 2012

    Tech Armor Power
    • Base cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
    • Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 80% to 60%
    • Base detonation force increased from 750 to 1000

    Fire Explosion Power Combo
    • Damage increased from [100250] to [150375]
    • Damageovertime duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds

    Fortification Power
    • Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 60% to 50%

    Concussive Shot Power
    • Increased base damage from 100 to 150

    Human Male/Female Soldier (including Battlefield 3 kit)
    • Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 30% to 45%

    Tech Burst Power Combo
    • Damage increased from [75200] to [100250]

    Reset Powers Card
    • Will no longer drop for you if you have 3 or more of them already

    Drell Vanguard
    • Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 45% to 60%

    Turian Soldier
    • Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 40% to 55%

    Frag Grenade Power
    • Increased base damage from 600 to 650
    • Evolution 5 armor damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%
    • Evolution 6 shield damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%

    April 10, 2012

    • Adrenaline Rush Power
    • Evolution 1 damage reduction increased from 25% to 40%
    • Evolution 5 shield recharge increased from 50% to 100% of base shields

    Hope this helps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    The multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 is very famous and, to ensure an excellent experience, developer BioWare has continued to release updates. Following the changes last week, the studio has implemented new changes, increasing the damage done by Falcon assault rifle, sniper rifle Javelin, the gun Wraith and heavy guns and Talon Paladin. However, so has the weight of arms Javvelin or Paladin, while the Geth assault rifle is now lighter. Players with characters who can throw grenades lifting also observe a slight increase in damage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    One thing that jumps out at when playing a game like Mass Effect: the gameplay was nice to be rotated a quarter turn, without the screenplay, the game would not be what it is. Anyway, the real problem with the end of the game has nothing to do with the script, even if it is true that the latest twist comes out of nowhere. The problem, surprisingly, is that Bioware finally decides that all the choices we made before on more than 100 hours are unimportant, then we put in front of a last choice that leads, with some refinements almost insignificant, the same conclusion. I would not put the garbage the previous 100 hours for the last five minutes, but it's still really cheap. Especially if this was a strategy to sell the DLC soon, as we shamelessly announces at the end of the game Besides, I do not know many artworks that require us to pay for additional content that artists could not do anything good to include in the work from the start (especially if it's something so fundamental that conclusion ...)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    I want to believe that the multiplayer is supposed to compensate, but the ME series is a single player with a "fan base" for solo players. Regarding the final, I was hoping it was a strong projection and dreamed that my character ... The finish reminds me of a show where two plots intersect and only 10 minutes from the end of the issue, you say, they do not have time to conclude in 10 minutes, and they do it. This is exactly what I felt. We have two big enemies, it is set in a jiffy, thank you good night, buy our DLC.

    I'm a fan of BioWare games finished long ago, I played their games since Baldur's Gate, I was disappointed with Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, and now I'm lvl 50 and I do not play SWTOR almost over and I am a player who much prefer the end-game in MMOs ... So I'm very disappointed, my favorite studio is moving in the wrong direction.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    soldier should rather use 3 mods per weapon. That would make it unique and assault rifles, at least to some extent effective. See waste as Saber, which is basically a sniper rifle without fail. Or the Geth Plasma Rifle. The water gun should be able to throw better, so maybe you would divert at least blanks. Currently this is only a marker for the laser as soldier turianischer infiltrators in the team. The only semi-useful soldier is a man with a Claymore (dmg mods and precision reload exploit bug). So you can even keep up on gold, even when compared to withstand anything the other classes. Oh and all the weapons are changed except for Paladins still useless. 1x since patch Talon Wraith IV, V and unpacked on silver and asked me what reason you should ever have to use.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    I still don't appreciate why they feel the requirement to buff atlases. Not that it create a great deal of a difference, although what is the point? . I don't yet see why multiplier wants any balancing for the reason that it's freaking' co-op. It's not competitive, for what I see . They must concentrate on putting in the things in SP than upsetting about MP. though, if they're to do whatever thing with MULTIPLAYERto any further extent, get rid of the Banshee's mile long, Stretch Armstrong One Hit Knock Out skill that they likely to accidentally throw out there. actually, remove the damn capacity altogether. Not just can they remove your shields entirely, they be able to hit you with a vicious DoT, teleport all over the place and One Hit Knock Out you. G. T. H. O.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    Well like to tell you that BioWare has already explained his plans to improve (some would say "fix") the end of Mass Effect 3, which so much blood and tears shed among the fans. The developer is solution of the Extended Cut, a free DLC planned for this summer that will expand the end of the game with new cut scenes and epilogues that rounded and more clearly explain everything that happens at the end of the journey of Shepard. With these additions the end "will be more customized for each player The executive producer of the series has added that this DLC is the result of "a reprioritization of its post-launch development efforts," which could indicate a delay in payment or further expansion of patches to change to focus all efforts of the study Extended Cut end as soon as possible.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Changes in the Multiplayer Balance of Mass effect 3

    I love the multiplayer wish they must worry about fixing bugs in the single player, I know, probably a different team working on it, just annoying. I’m normally not a fan of sweeping changes for balance (most people aren’t), but they are doing the right thing in upping the power of rapid fire weapons (SMGs and certain ARs). the next thing they should tackle is making sniper rifles a desirable option vs. certain heavy pistols. at the moment, frankly, except your hell bent on role playing, infiltrators are better off with heavy pistols or even shotguns. even on an infiltrator shotguns suck hard especially in gold where you don’t want to be in shotgun range sniper rifles are still good in gold at least forget great at dropping get prime but what they need to add is a sniper attachment that lets a sniper headshot bleed through shields in gold still wouldn't be open because you be sacrificing armor piercing mods for it extra NEEDED ammo or extra overall dmg for it but as it stands a sniper isn’t even worth using on anything but large targets in gold but its still worth having for said targets.

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