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Thread: Dueling in Tribes: Ascend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Dueling in Tribes: Ascend

    I have been playing Tribes: Ascend for some time now. I have gone against many players and most of the time I die rather than killing the opponent. I don’t know how they do it, but it seems that my bullets don’t even touch them. Similarly, I feel that every bullet of theirs comes and hit me. I am not much of a gamer, but I know how a first person shooter games are to be played. But I am finding it very difficult to play. I sometimes get a feeling that some are bots on very high difficulty level left in the arena. Can anyone tell me how to fight against an enemy so that the enemy dies and I survive?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Dueling in Tribes: Ascend

    I suggest you that you play this game on lower graphic settings. This is a multiplayer online game, so it is the score which matters and not the graphics. If you find pleasure in good graphics than this is not a game for you. Reducing the graphics will increase the framerate and will reduce the chances of your game getting lagged. This will help you if your enemy’s game is lagging, you can easily kill him. Reducing the graphics reduces the fancy stuff in the game. This will reduce the fancy colorful boards or props in the game world. Many times it so happens that you are shooting the enemy and suddenly in corner of screen some colorful object comes, this creates a distraction for the player and chances of missing the aim increases. Also this game has great lighting, it almost seems real. Because of this the reflections and the shine an object gets also increases. Many times it happens so that, a player is playing and the in game sunlight falls on the eyes. This distracts the player from target as well as blinds the player which stops him from viewing the position of the enemy. The main thing is that you have to maintain the framerate over 60 fps. You can reduce the field of view to low as the terrain is very big in every map. It is not possible to look in the far away corner of the map even with high quality scoped gun, so the field of view is useless in this game. Reducing it will help conserving GPU resources and increase and maintain the framerate. Try different sensitivity levels for the mouse in this game; it will help you gain accuracy of the guns in these guns. Disable mouse acceleration as it adds unnecessary movements to the character.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Dueling in Tribes: Ascend

    Ping plays a great role in use of heavy games, low ping means that you don’t have to lead as much on high ping levels. It is better to have ping level of 1 to 50. It is good for gameplay. Higher the ping, higher the difficulty you will experience. You must properly fill the loadout. I mean to say that, you need to have good weapons. The game is designed so that no weapon is useful to tackle each and every situation possible in the game. You will have to research about the guns that you can comfortable use and are well acquainted with. Keep observing every weapons damage level and range up to which it can fire. I use chaingun for hitting the airborne targets and enemies at medium range. When in closed areas, I prefer using shotguns and explosives. Chaingun spreads the gun over a short range, so an enemy coming within its range won’t easily escape the attack. But in closed areas, the walls cover the area, so using the chaingun is not practical. Also the distance is low and limited, so if enemy comes against me, a shotgun proves to be most useful. Shotgun covers a small area in the direction it is shot. Any enemy that comes in its range gets heavily damaged. Also explosives to be prove of great use in small areas as the enemy gets less space to move and gets damaged by the impact. Try to get as much experience as possible; this will help you buy bigger weapons as well as get you score.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Dueling in Tribes: Ascend

    When you get hit, it is obvious that first thing you will do is to dodge the attack and find a good cover. This is the right thing you do. But once you find a safe place, don’t just hide till the enemy passes away or forgets about you, find the direction and place from where the attack came and prepare to attack in that direction. To do this, don’t just go out in open again to find direction, instead take a guess about the direction of attack and fire some blank rounds. Most of the time enemy too reacts to this attack and comes out him to see if the target is available for killing. Use the terrains, walls and props for your advantage. When reloading and low on health, try hiding behind walls or below high terrains or some prop. This helps to break you from the line of sight of your attacker. You can reload gun or recover health while hiding. Also try to find what gun your attacker is using, once figured, develop your own strategy to fight against it. His won’t be possible in initial stages of the game. You will need to play a lot to develop the tactics of your own. For example, if I am being attacked by a long range gun, then I avoid wasting bullets of short or medium ranged guns. Instead I find a way towards the enemy with most covers possible. Once near the attacker, I use the medium ranged guns to attack him. Another instance is when I am under attack from a chaingun, I try to run away from the attacker. Chaingun is not inheritable. So killing the enemy just for gun is not practical. Break line of sight from you and wait for him to stop attacking and be stationary. Once done, I choose the best gun I have and give the most accurate shots possible. When fighting against chaingun, I never move in straight lines, instead I use random movements which cannot be judged by enemy. I use combination of jumps, crouches, strafes and also straight runs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Dueling in Tribes: Ascend

    Whenever you are dueling against more than one enemy, it is necessary to have Survivalist perk. This perk helps to keep tab on various bonuses and power-ups that drop on the ground. You can pick them up for your benefit. Whenever attacking multiple opponents, attack the one who has most XP or most powerful weapon. In short, finish the one who is most powerful and do most damage. Try having higher grounds than other, as it gives an advantage to lookout for their positions. Even if the opponents try to hide behind small objects like boxes or low raised walls, you can easily see their bodies from higher grounds. When I say catch the higher grounds, you also need to have enough cover space at that position. If on heighten place, see to it that you don’t get surrounded by enemies at bottom. When fighting with multiple opponents, try using explosives. You opponents would be engrossed in their own battle that they’ll ignore the explosive that you have thrown. Never use grenades against stronger enemies. They are not dumb to stay in same place till grenade explodes. Grenade has an annoying amount of fuse time. Opponent can easily move away from the position of grenade. Instead try using explosive nitron, as it explodes quickly and doesn’t allow enemy to move much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Dueling in Tribes: Ascend

    Try taking advantage of multiple opponents fighting among each other. As soon as you see two players dueling, side along with the most powerful ones. You both can easily kill the weaker one and then you will be left with the remaining one. As he too will be out of fight, chances of him being damaged and having low resources will be possible. So you can easily take on him. When using long range guns, keep a look on nearby areas as some good players can avoid you getting detected by you, get close enough to hit you. Don’t depends on long range weapons too much. If you miss your enemy using the long range gun more than twice or thrice, leave him. No one is crazy enough to find the attacker by staying in open. He must have already gone in hiding or must have started searching you. Most important rule, never underestimate your enemy even if he has low level and weaker gun. I have seen many higher level players making lower level players friends. They use them as bait to lure out other stronger players. Once you go out to kill the weaker opponent, his stronger ally might hit you from behind or maybe from some faraway place using long range gun. So before chasing a weaker target, see to it that he is not covered by some stronger target. To find out, you can run across the opponent, the opponent being weaker, won’t damage you much. If any other attack happens except from his side, it is sure that he is covered.

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