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Thread: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    Hello friends, this game is been released and it is going very much nice and better then what I was expecting about it. I have not played and not in mood to play, just wanted to what rules of copy protection will be coming with this, it is very much important to know and also it is been available in each and every game. So does anyone knows anything about it then please do tell me about it. When we are playing other games then it seem that you have restriction of some number particular machines. Is it also having it? Please do tell me about it. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    I have checked on Steam and according to them it is using 3rd-party DRM and also ACTS control is having 5 machine activation limits. If you are checking that then I think that it is really nice and also it should be that much only. I would tell you truth is that I am not having any problem with it and it was there is Blood Bowl which were having same restriction it is having in this one. Due to which I do think to pay more £5 for something with that level of DRM. You will be able to get difference in Mileage, if you wanted to know some more information then you can search for Act/Control, or you can visit to their website where you will be able to get information and also you will be able to clear all of your doubts, which might be very much helpful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    No one have hated Star force or activation stuff till now, whatever steam is having not at all god and I am always against of it. If there copy protection of it then I would like to pay for it and get one for me, there will be plenty of users who might be not going for it, as they people always wanted to have a copy of game which can be run in multiple system, I really do not like it and I would like to say that there should be only one or two number of machines allotted to it, more than that is not at all worth. One think which I am very much doubt about is that it will be happening with cyanide game, but it should happen and it will be really nice to have it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    I have had a situation with Starforce on disc based software in the past, wasn't an enormous situation unequivocally disturbing as I might just run my game when a new boot. I likewise independently like Steam for the benefit it gives me with access to my library and specifically steam fog for recoveries when underpinned. I do not like additional DRM over the top of that which is at present given. As a huge enthusiast of the miniatures game I trust the game completes blatantly well and when a bargain comes around, or surprisingly better the DRM work toward getting's patched out, I will be right back to purchase it then.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    I am very much confident the game needs both Steam and a 3rd party activation. Once the 3rd gathering DRM moves toward getting patched out or the game heads off down to a “glorified rental “cost by way of a Steam deal, I'll be happy to purchase it. $36 for a “glorified rental “is downright silly however. Way to screw yourselves out of additional income. Genuinely, isn't Steam's invariably on DRM enough assurance independent from anyone else? Do you blatantly ought to hold control of in case or not I am able to introduce an game that I could have even now paid exceptional coin for? Route over the top and totally unnecessary DRM in my assumption.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    Steam is at present DRM and there is no reason to put additional DRM on top of it but Focus invariably does this things. Likewise with Steam there is no require or reason for a breaking point on enactments. All the more provided that you get them once again from uninstalling or as time goes on or some different rubbish I don't management. They shouldn't arrive there whatsoever. There are more than enough games on Steam that don't have the enactment breaking points and they appear to pitch unequivocally fine. I was in reality intrigued by this amusement but assuredly I see supplemental additional DRM on top of Steam or an actuation point of confinement I mechanically should not purchase it. Likewise I recognize that in overall European distributers, aside from for Profound Silver, try not to perceive Steam and its offers. It's not Gamergate. It's not a store to give you form 1.0 of your download and be finished with it. I should memorize to actually not even trouble investigating a game depending on if it’s distributed by Focus or Ubisoft in light of the fact that it’s the same story every last trace of the time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    Following this thing on Steam, and recognizing that there is a different DRM on top of the Steam DRM I was terrifically astounded and disillusioned. I should not be acquiring the event. Steam is an indicates of duplicate assurance on its particular, and offers plentiful insurance to counteract "offering" a duplicate or alternate method of "duplicating" that could endanger bargains. You substantiate that you claim the duplicate by stamping into Steam, which in itself is confined to a limited number of machines. While I try not to underpin DRM in any frame, I would be able to exist with Steam for the reason that it offers a broad go of utilities such as talk, stats and actualizations.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Copy Protection with Confrontation Game

    The decision of having an additional DRM is a bargain breaker for me. Then again yes, I have perused past post that describes that in hone, there could be unlimited initiation's in light of the fact that as time marches onward actuation's work toward getting redeemed and likewise when one uninstalls the game. However assuming that everything that is the case, why incorporate the additional DRM to any included? Most obviously games over there on Steam try not to combine auxiliary DRM and for this generally corner sort one could think you require every last trace of the bargains you are able to get. I trust that somehow you can award a drm-unlimited form in time.

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