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Thread: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I have found a pink skirt in Shoot Many Robots which I was wearing while playing. In one of the group I joined in multiplayer mode, another player had fairy wings and a crown. He asked me for details in which level I found it. He told me that this was a part of a set which has to be completed to get a special secondary ability for the character which is unique for that set. He told me that there are many such sets in the game to be unlocked. Can anyone tell me what are these sets and what do they look like? Has anyone found and completed all the sets?

  2. #2
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I found some of the pieces of the set in this game. I found a bagpiper which is the part of Scottish costume for character. I have a tiara which is part of fairy costume. My friend who regularly joins me for online play has a snorkel and a shark fin which is part of lifeguard costume. I don’t know where the parts of these costumes are, I mean in which level. But I am sure that multiple plays will reveal all the pieces of costume sets. Every piece of these costumes upgrades player’s abilities by some points. Completion of the set gives a bonus ability which will be unique till that costume is worn.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I have the complete fairy set in this game. It includes princess tiara which is a head gear. It looks extremely strange on male character. Then there is a princess wings which is wore like a bag pack and third piece is Princess Tutu. Tutu is a pink colored skirt. The Tiara adds 5 points to fashion, wings add 15 points to jump and the Tutu adds 10 points to Speed. Though it looks weird it is very useful during fights. On completion of this set you get an ability to deny gravity and float in air for some time. Though floating and shooting in air is tough, it comes useful in many fights.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I was playing online and I was once matched with a player who was wearing Scottish attire. He was wearing a checkered cap, had a bagpiper on back and wore a checkered skirt. I don’t know where he found it, I never asked as I thought it must be available as level progressed.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I found the Scotsman set. It includes a Scotsman’s hat, Scotsman’s Pipes and Scotsman’s Kilt. The bad thing about the Scotsman’s set is that it disables Sliding ability. It has increased my juice power by 50%. Scotsman Kit increases bullet damage by 1440%, Explosive Damage +1440%, Hangtime Rating is increased by 14, Slam Power is increased by 14, Broque is increased by 15% and Beer is increased by 3. I haven’t found special ability that it provides.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I found a shark fin which I suppose is a piece from Lifeguard’s set. I have seen some players in online mode wearing a snorkel that looks like the one used by underwater divers and also tight pants that are worn by divers again. I think that they are part of one set because I played along with a player once who had all three parts together. It looked like a complete set as its color and appearance was similar. I still haven’t found any other part of this set but I am still searching for the others. The worst part about this costume is that it disables hangtime. This means that jumping wearing this costume becomes difficult.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I have a complete Lifeguard set which includes Lifeguard’s Snorkel, Lifeguard Shark fin and Lifeguard Banana Hammock. As mentioned by above user, the worst part of this costume is that it disables jump nut also upgrades the length of slide. I never relied on slide much as compared to jump. So I found this costume useless. All it provides is damage power increased by 1440%; increases slide by 16 points, slam power is increased by 16, beers by 3 points and multiplies piercing damage by 2. It reduces modesty by 57 points. If you are using a heavy weapon, than this costume is best to use. I never found it useful if 2 people are wearing this costume together in a team.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    So I think that one thing is common among all three sets, 1440% damage power to ammunition and explosives and 3 juice power. Also, wearing the lifeguard costume results in character’s inaccuracy.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    Lifeguard costume give Slam skill which I think is one of the most underrated skills. Even I didn’t see any practical use of this skill in most of the levels. Plus, lifeguard costume also disabled jump. I had complete lifeguard costume but never used it. I preferred using the princess costume as it provided hover. I realized the use of lifeguard’s costume when I reached the adventure 14 on insane mode. As you all must know that Adventure 14 on insane mode is one of the difficult levels in the game. I used fairy costume and many other costumes. But they all failed to take me past this level. In quick connection, I saw a guy playing in lifeguards costume and easily beating the enemies. That was when I realized importance of lifeguard costume and importance of the slam skill. It is easy to bat adventure 14 in lifeguard costume as its boss and enemy units are most vulnerable to slam skill. Also, increased piercing works as an added advantage.

  10. #10
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I don’t think that someone would waste time on collecting this items. I mean there are lot better costumes to collect. Just for single unique ability I won’t waste time and die lot of time. I better use a mixed costume. Also this game is meant for fun. You have to try different costumes to look best when in group. Also the costume sets though they provide a unique ability; they compromise some other ability like jump or slide. That’s why I avoid collecting sets of costume.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Sets of costumes in Shoot Many Robots for Xbox 360 players

    I don’t use the complete set of costumes as it restricts the use of character to a certain limit. I prefer using the best costume part available at that level. For example, when I completed the game I was wearing a Demiurge Beanie on my head; shoot many robots pack on my body and Galactic Champion belt on my lower body. Demiurge Beanie adds all the damage by 352%; it goes for every damage including bullets, explosion, melee and critical damage. It reduces gravity by 30% which means I can jump a bit higher than the normal height. It also adds two beers. Shoot Many Robots pack adds 510% of more damage to all the attacks including bullets, explosion, melee and critical damage. Also it adds 35% more speed to the character. Again, height is increase by 20%. It adds more four beers to the character and increases slide time. Galactic belt increases the bullet damage by 117% and explosion damage by 240%. Melee damage is tripled and three beers are added. On using a good weapon along with this combination, you can fight any enemy and boss on insane mode.

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