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Thread: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    Well I wanted to discuss something about the weapons or shotguns available in Shoot Many Robots. Once you have unlocked Buckshot Lorelei this particular game seems to be over in terms of unlocking stuff. till Edwin you are not able to get any other weapon which can be complete. Lorelei is having great damage which supposed to boosts well with having various buffs. Its having great rate of fire and strong knockback as well as great accuracy. Apart from that no other weapons which is consistent to kill the robots in the game.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    So far I did not managed to unlock Edwin in the game. Well I am assuming that only single weapon which can be steal crown from Lorelei. I have already tried with the The Arbor Day Massacre to Naperville Typewriter to the Svidrigailov. I noticed that only last one can get the hang with Lorelei. I am sure about the thing that is Lorelei is really awesome in terms of usage. But starting using of it at level 31 to level 50 seems to be bit boring.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    In case you are playing with 4 player then you are going to get diversity in terms of weapons. As all the four players are using Edwin or Lorelei would make the game bit slow going.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    According to me in single player hard mode it would be quite easy use Buckshot Lorelei to destroy the robot from the safe distance. However in the multiplayer mode Great Grampy’s Blunderbuss seems to be really funny to kill the robots. Even I have found that Exploder Pistol doing really nice job into the hard mode. It is same as that of running as well as gunning by using Buckshot Lorelei.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    The team of mine is doing bad by using shotguns. It did not working for me at all. however after having Edwin and backpacks and belts we started to do well in the game.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    Well I am having auto shotty which I have unlocked after farming insane mode. It seems to be an amazing gun. Also I am having edwin the automatic shot gun. The rate of fire is enough fast and I am doing the same at 21k dps. It seems to be the best game for the purpose of survival. However the most favorite weapon is quaz which is a woodpecker gun. It is having rediqulz fire rate which is doing 15k a hit. I think this particular game is really good and it is having great weapon the only thing you have to do that find out them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    Personally I really liked to collect as much as weapon possible. Players who are playing online scenario who are stick to Buckshot Loreli or Edwin. In this particular game I really liked mac Royale, snipers and freeze rays. But still there is need of having some more cool weapons. There should be good strategy implemented if you are going to play the game with 4 players. One should make use of high level flamethrower and high critical hit weapon. The rest of the two can make use of any of the weapon. I noticed that people would get serious issue with Edwin. It makes quite difficult to keep the combo meter keep running. At the time of doing item runs in the Insane Worker City II I was at 5x roughly halfway where the first building has been climb if I have do it right by making use of Quetzicol or Ol’Bessy. When I was using Edwin I was not able to get the meter above 2x even it has been failed by the enemy to kill the same. it did not seems to pause your combo meter for the damages which you have done. Quetzy and Bessy given far better results as compared to Edwin.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Shoot Many Robots shotguns are bad

    I really agree with the thing which you have stated over here. Quezacoatlus SMG is having good gear even though Piercing lil mac is 18 bust is also effective provide great crit rate-high level gear as compared to Edwin. Even it is best as compared to in terms of accuracy destroying Demon bag head gear. From the four people team at least one should have Edwin as it will allow you to do larger ambushed. Also I really like Quezy SMG as well.

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