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Thread: Do you think multiplayer will be there in Halo 4?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Do you think multiplayer will be there in Halo 4?

    Don't get me wrong, I had some great times in Reach but is 343 heading off to make the Halo 4 multiplayer similar to this one? Or are they heading off to reproduce it somehow? I'd rather have supplies back instead of shield capacities. Keep sprint but things like intangibility, air pocket shield, visualization, and jetpack ought to be supplies like in H3. It was more sport that method in my opinion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Do you think multiplayer will be there in Halo 4?

    I think they know that there'll be a great deal of backlash if Halo 4's multiplayer is built onto the multiplayer from Reach. I'm confident there'll be some likenesses, but it'll be its particular creature.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Do you think multiplayer will be there in Halo 4?

    The just explanation they didn't build this unified with its particular multiplayer is being as how they didn't would like to part the group. Which I'm happy for regarding the time I've put resources into scope. It unequivocally feels way to early to put out the following multiplayer, particularly when it could actually be a downsize with less armor/vehicles/weapons/gametype customization. Look for radiance 4 to have a late multiplayer regarding its is the following huge title following range, not simply some revamp based off the same motor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Do you think multiplayer will be there in Halo 4?

    Cheerfully it'll be more prefer CE than any of the others being as how that would be totally all I need as of right now (as a matter of fact what I actually would like is for Halo 2 to returned).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Do you think multiplayer will be there in Halo 4?

    I actually trust they dispose of the bloom. I know folks guarantee the different way (the oldschool course as I would give just about anything to put it) is noobish be that as it may you recognize what I'd rather have noobish gameplay mechanics that work versus having sprout that makes the event softened up mid run battle and having it be a roll of the craps as opposed to seeing who has more adroitness. Love truly in the event that it wasn't for credits and this Anniversary then I could still be playing Halo 3 as of this moment for multi and not Reach.

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