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Thread: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    I like to play The Pioneer Trail and I am searching for some tips for Space saving if the Homestead too small. I searched here and there on internet and got a few tips also. But I want them all to be on one place to I am posting this over here to have all the tips and suggestion on one place so that anyone can find them all usually. I request you all to post the same here. Thank you in advance for posting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    You should store all buildings that can be stored. Unless the collection is helpful (sawmill, inn, etc.), there's no reason to keep them out. If a mission comes out asking you to collect from a building you have stored, bring it out and wait the 24 hours to collect from it - or use a red eye. You can also delete a couple buildings. I deleted the tailor shop and the chapel. After I deleted them, I bought them again and made sure I had all the materials needed to rebuild. Then I deleted the frame. If a mission comes up requiring one of those buildings, they are ready to be built.

  3. #3
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    May 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    Do you actually require having 30 pregnant bunnies? Does your herd of moose need to be 50? Do you have to display every single piece of decoration you have ever received? Knowing that some animals can't be stored, you should just hang on to them in your inventory, or abandon those hurt animals. The moose mastery mission is the best way to gain mastery points and it requires you feed 15 moose. That's all you need on your homestead. The rest can stay in your inventory until moose are able to be stored. They have barns and orchards now and you can make use of them. Leave out a few animals and trees so your homestead doesn't look barren but there is no longer a need to keep out every animal you own. If a mission comes out asking you to tend 15 neighbor's goats, bring 5 goats out from your barn to help out your neighbors. This is same with any kind of fruit tree.

  4. #4
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    May 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    You should also kill your victory garden. Plant a few of the more commonly requested items in missions in your greenhouse and get rid of the rest. Like with the animals and trees, if a mission requires you to tend 50 neighbor's pumpkins, plant 5 pumpkins.

  5. #5
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    May 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    With all the ways to get debris now, a small plot is likely more than enough. As for forests, keep around 15-20 full grown trees. If a mission asks you to chop 100 trees, just chop each of yours to 7/8 or 11/12. Most missions don't ask us to plant/harvest more than 50 or so crops. There's no real need to have a crop field larger than 100-200 plots.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    Thank you so much for such quick replies. These are really great tips. I do most of these, except for the buildings thing. I just love the looks of some of them and hate to not have them out! Unfortunately, most of the ones that can’t be stored are the ones I would like to store.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    If you are overbooked with missions and unfinished buildings and don't have enough active neighbors to send requests to. Buildings you aren't actively trying to finish get the wall post portion over and then delete the building. When you get around to working again, a few whacks and you'll be ready to send requests. I have one other tip that keeps buildings and trees on the top two edges of your homestead. That way it won't block empty squares. I cringe when I saw a neighbor plant a Dwarf Sequioa in the bottom corner.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    I actually have a victory garden of 5 of each crop.. 5 of each fruit tree, and 5 of each animal.. all my buildings, and my haunted buildings too. I do this for my various leveled neighbors who are newer at the game and farther behind, never know what they might need. my storage isn't very big, most of my stuff is in my inventory, so I don't have room for my buildings to go in there, I want to leave room for my Halloween decorations to go in there. I do have room for crops I am working on to get mastered or collections for. However my buildings are all cramped up together, and I do not like that. I have a lot more trees than what you suggest, but I like the wood mission that is similar to the food and coin one.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    I will possibly get all my stuff going again after Halloween and actually downsize on a lot of things. Also, something that I've done, I've made my greenhouse my victory garden. I think the only thing I haven't been able to plant in there is cranberries, so it's no big deal for me. I have just one of everything in it, so no one panic about not having something that expands the greenhouse.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    I like these suggestions, especially the one about leaving the things out for your neighbors. It is taking me forever to find neighbors who have apple trees out for the shagbark tree mission. Just take out of your orchard for a while and you can always put them back. Also, as I travel through my neighbors homesteads that I can admit that I don't do much unless there is a mission requiring it. They take too long to load and it's really amusing to me to see how many of them have rows and rows of stuffed bears 20, 30 or even more of them. How many animal ready boosts do you really need, especially since the animal harvest boosts still aren't working.

  11. #11
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    I have limited myself to only nine stuffed bears though. I don't want my homestead turning into some sort of creepy dead bear town.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    These are really excellent suggestions. One thing that freed up space for me was selling all my flowers from the flower stand once I received the badge for watering them (which was not a very good badge anyway!). I put the flower cart in storage. I wish we could store more buildings some of them are useless, like the detective agency, but I'm reluctant to delete anything that I worked to build.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Space saving tips in Zynga The Pioneer Trail if Homestead too small

    I know I could make my homestead more efficient if I made my debris field smaller but I like the look of it and, again, it is useful to visiting neighbors. I keep out the decorations that I like (watermill, ponds) but I don't have too many. A few of my neighbors have so many useless decorations that their homesteads take forever to load. I don't visit them much.

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