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Thread: Mouse sensitivity is changing temporarily while playing call of duty: modern warfare 3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Mouse sensitivity is changing temporarily while playing call of duty: modern warfare 3

    It appears that while I run or turn fast, occasionally the mouse sensitivity twice. I lesser the sensitivity while I first installed and set my controls. But it seems to pop back up for a second or 2. I cannot appear to duplicate it on reason, but it absolutely occurs more than a few times during a match. I'll try to trace it and post here, but I've found that at least a few others have the similar difficulty. Though i get so many people having same problem but still didn’t got any who fixed it yet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    re: Mouse sensitivity is changing temporarily while playing call of duty: modern warfare 3

    I think there could be some problem with the mouse sensitivity in the game, i have also seen many people having similar problem with their machine but still, have you tried reducing the sensitivity from the control panel? Because see here they both get used though you set the sensitivity to lower in the game but if it will be high from the control panel then also you‘ll get the problem with the game. Thus i would like to recommend you that you should try to set it from the control panel and see what happens whether the result varies or not ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    re: Mouse sensitivity is changing temporarily while playing call of duty: modern warfare 3

    i was also thinking the same thing but when i applied the changes in the game as well control panel everything seems to be the same, nothing changed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    re: Mouse sensitivity is changing temporarily while playing call of duty: modern warfare 3

    see you should make some settings to the .INI file from the setup and then see what happens, because i have heard that by changing that file you can make such settings manually. Simply you have to set the value as mentioned “set a cl_mouseAccel "0".

    And apart from that i have also heard that whenever we start the game there were a program called EA's Origin client, which also used to run with the game in the background thus i would say you should try to close that program once while playing game, and make sure you don’t have to quit the game or else again it would be worthless as the window will keep running.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    re: Mouse sensitivity is changing temporarily while playing call of duty: modern warfare 3

    well, i was also having the same problem with the machine and i after such hugs interrogation i came to know that the programs set to High Priority will almost certainly causing this though they are not CPU concentrated. And while it comes to that game MW3 seems to automatically set it's own precedence to High, thus i would say setting it to usual rather normal anything else than High, seems to cause slight stutter. I make use of Mumble, and it sets it's own priority to High as well, and while unsetting that, the issue actually gets fixed. Thus the bottom line is like it would be better if you close the CPU concentrated tasks, but along with that you should also concentrate on high priority tasks, lower the priority to standard, or low down to no difficulty it out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Mouse sensitivity is changing temporarily while playing call of duty: modern warfare 3

    once i was also having the same problems with the machine but after reinstalling the game everything were working perfectly thus i can see that it could be some glitch with the game itself.

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