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Thread: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    Anyone have any idea about this? Will we have the option to create wrestlers fit in small and larger companies? Most 4x games now have the smallest ship in the game as corvettes, battleships (or something around that size) or only independent fighters can travel through their own systems. It's much better to see hundreds of fighters smaller than a 2v2 battle cruiser in my opinion.

  2. #2
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    The carriers are a necessity; I just hope that you extend the original "drones." Who said the fighters had to be unmanned? Also, why non-combatants? I think that Kerberos should consider adding more craft carrier, maybe even give it its own technology branch. Little Bombers dive, weak against other fighters, but more damaging to the ships, fighters, manned and unmanned, and perhaps the destroyer-size ships led by the largest (since there is only destroyers, right ).

  3. #3
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    Do not put a pilot of millions of dollars in a small tin can that has a life expectancy of minutes, when you can automate and make it perform better than a human / most foreigners anyway. There are exceptions in particular situations it might be worthwhile - for example, point defense was largely ineffective and his opponent had a habit of hacking of automated systems / network, or if the pilots had higher levels of use of precognition. There are drones in the original, which most likely will see a return, and we know about the ships that will bring destroyer-size ships in the battle.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    If the idea of Carrier is then expanded CAG (Air Transport Group) will be expanded too. I even heard hints of boats deployed destroyer’s size companies. In addition to considering some of the companies with the Hivers might actually be cheaper to use the drivers, have you seen your dad. Do not put a system of one million dollars from a computer in a small tin can that has a life expectancy of the minutes.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    Partially true, gravity does not exist, but the momentum still applies, a high-speed time would still have to revoke its value over the wall cabinet. An object in motion wants to stay in motion until another force operated. The launch of a space combat simply means that he can burn the fuel, unless the stellar objects others can follow literally forever. However, the change of course, still pulling G-force, which is making G doing a turnaround. All the space you do is removing the inherent operational strength.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    Technically there is gravity, but it just gets weak very quickly. G-Force is just one way to compare any acceleration of a useful reference point that everyone understands intuitively. If I told you about an earthquake with a vertical acceleration of 21.6 meters per second per second, it may not mean much. 2.2 g, and is soon (correctly) thought of the buildings and people being thrown in the air. Gravity has nothing to do with the strength of the earthquake, only alter the final result - a 1g earthquake would make you feel weightless, not excluded that in the air.

    So bold space travelers are limited to something on the order of 10 g, or the risk of death. This may be due to gravity, but only if a planet is very heavy. It could also have nothing to do with gravity, and because some flight-boy is trying to turn his ship very quickly. An unmanned aircraft would be much less limited, and because they go without the support of life must be able to fly rings around a manned fighter. It is also likely to be cheaper than the formation of a pilot, and faster to produce.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    It would be kind of cool when swarming Hivers manned fighters had little, not knowing how I would react to pressure pilots and speed, but it says somewhere (in some traditions, I think) that have generated some sort Hivers error that can survive in the vacuum of space for a while? And being the insects allows the mass production of these insects pilot. That would be a cool racial ability.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    Well first of all the G forces in space are so minimal that our pilots (present day) are more capable, especially doing the only thing we have to worry about space combat fighters, and that given that gravity is minimized, that law is only used Newton's laws, for every action there is an equal and opposite scope as well as an object in motion remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

  9. #9
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    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    G Force no means caused by gravity. It is a force to be compared to gravity, so intuitively know how big it is. G forces on a rocket taking off, not because gravity is stronger at once, but they are because you're sitting in a large dirt rocket that pushes you up, hard. It still feels (almost) as if he were crushing on the same rocket in the center of the space. Modern fighters and rockets on the limit of what a person can tolerate, and no matter where on all the maneuvers are taking place. To be better, you have to change the person or get rid of them.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Is it possible to fit small fighters in larger carriers in Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

    That would only work if the accelerations are short enough not ending in the "back" of the cocoon, and they tend not excessive in either direction (i.e., the vector sum is essentially zero in reasonable time both short-covering long term). I would be concerned to see what kind of heat produced by a liquid / gel with sufficient but not too much shear strength as it speeds up the cockpit, too.

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