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Thread: Unemployed citizen in cities XL 2012

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Unemployed citizen in cities XL 2012

    I just started this new city and I am confused with job satisfaction / unemployed workers. Here's the deal, I have 0 in my panel unemployed executives of the population, but they are still getting the job satisfaction is very low (55%), but not for travel time, but because half of them show up as unemployed when I got to travel satisfaction!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Unemployed citizen in cities XL 2012

    It possibly will be for the reason that you basically have too a lot of Execs. Make sure the trading screen. If you comprise something +, moreover export them or produce new jobs intended for them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Unemployed citizen in cities XL 2012

    I think I kind of find out. Not that I have excellent as well, their unemployment is simply 1%. However I think it's for the reason that they placed too far from the offices where they work and are suffering traffic (even you the whole thing is green on the road) and acquire a little job satisfaction. Trying to resolve through the substitution of the places nearby to them and perceive how it goes. Give them high quality services, ensure that no single building not covered by green-level services. "Building plans and special buildings that have a special effect on the elite and of the cause, keep them away from pollution.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Unemployed citizen in cities XL 2012

    Elites are at the moment at 78%, let’s presently articulate that I originate a generous 'bank' that is 'investing' lots of money within my city. Surroundings appears to be the most important thing, I guess sound pollution is actually killing it atm.

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