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Thread: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    Since you are considering it, perhaps can be influenced by the fans to make one if you buy it. I would buy an SE or CE of Spider-Man: Edge of Time. I think it would be a great opportunity to get to know some really good stuff, like the soundtrack of the game, a figure, and so forth.

  2. #2
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    I say yes because it would be great if it included a good shooter actually looking website or two. The soundtrack and a comic bonus is something we also like to see. While not as expensive as $ 150 EC Skyrim is that I understand. I hope to throw some extra clothes that only come with the special edition and it would be nice to see some new clothes at all and could also have a web shooter or two, provided that not more than $ 100 Special Edition expensive Skyrim.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    If the special edition to take plenty of time, I somewhat need to see and stop functioning on the upcoming Spiderman game. Keep approaching it out, as they say.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    To me, it all depends on what is in it. They not only want a different matter than non-special edition buyers obtain or access codes to the early clothes that can only come into play. I say it in style as they did Arkham Asylum (I'm not one of those people who compare AA with each new set of Spider-Man, that just happened to be another superhero game with a cool collector's edition) .

  5. #5
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    Depends on what is in it. I personally do not buy all these things, especially the special edition that has replicas of them as I think they are a waste and garbage. As a prologue comic book art + OST + exclusive + exclusively at the point of the game that is exclusive and does not come on PlayStation ® Network / Xbox Live. Then I am going to pay for it. Plus I'm never going over 50 pounds for special editions! if they're going all out as Batman Arkham City with plenty of worth £ 100 +, after that you superior have an alternative, as a limited edition. Somewhat like Halo 3 and COD packages edition or edition of Killzone 3.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    The problem with this is that 45 pounds is $ 72.68 USD. That’s a very cheap “Special Edition” and never gets what he required with that kind of price. That's $ 100 USD as a minimum there, which would be around £ 61.91 I think. The last time there was a special edition Spider-Man 3 PS3 elite collector and that's just because Sony paid to make it on your console (Sony Pictures has licensed Spider-Man the movie so it makes wisdom). Activision could pay the bill in this case and they charge over than they did for SM3 CE, which was $ 70 new).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    The last time we had a Making Of in a game based on Activision's Marvel Ultimate Alliance Marvel was: Special Edition PS2/PSP. It was on a DVD and it was not so good. Today, Making Of and all that belongs on the disc (especially with Blu-Ray on the PS3), with special editions to be good for special cases, clothing, OST, and comics. However, the content will not remain exclusive for long, especially if it is digital. Probably going to be a year or so until it appears on PSN / XBL. However, there are exceptions like the Joker DLC will never know outside of the PS3 due to Sony's agreement with the DC and rocksteady.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Which one you buy Special Edition or Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man: Edge of Time

    Except a physical item like a statue or somewhat you pay will not at all be elite or limited. Doing so means you'll earn less money. This is why most exclusive and unique are the time will come out over time. The only exceptions are things like the B: AA Batarang, B: BC statue, and the Joker DLC.

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