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Thread: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    Hello friends, I want to say that the game seem to be quite exciting. Simply it has the 2 disadvantage so far which is that the there is No DirectX 9 support and also No online coop for 2 players. Developers are supposed to think regarding that. The majority people do not be fond of to pay for games with just single player in it. So I want to ask that what you people think about it and also what your opinion about it. So please let me know about it and also what should the game to be, so please discussed about it. Give your suggestion or advice on it. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    According to the store page is up to 4 players online co-op. And DX9 is a good thing, as Just Cause 2, this game will probably be early on in DX10 that will give us many benefits, not just graphics.

  3. #3
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    May 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    I was told that the 360 version also coop operation. If it's just a horde / assault, there is no point of purchase. Is it really so difficult for them to be 100% accurate in its description and only to confirm yes or no - "campaign line," "Can 2 people + complete" single player. I think that the developer should have a thought on the game and should make as a 2 player game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    PS3 no two players in the online collaboration and online 4-player competitive. I would be surprised if the PC version does not have the same modes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    Online and offline is the same thing, no special online mode. Doing missions with 1-4 people (there are 9 missions). At the end we see that scored more points, the best multipliers and so on. To get a high score you need stripes harm, kill and objectives of the mission. This makes it "competitive" co-op. You are (always) on the same computer, but you want to get as many enemies as yourself as you can manage to maximize your points. The experience levels and unlock are shared offline / online. And each vehicle has its own experience / level / unlock track. This is the case of the PS3 anyway. I doubt that will change the game for the PC version.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    It is true, however, although the budget of $ 30 Gigabyte HD 5450 DirectX 11 card is now. If you are not at least DX10 your PC is probably well overdue for an upgrade.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    That's why I ended up buying Just Cause 2 in the first place, thus ensuring my purchase of this game and 7 copies of gift of that game. Battlefield 3 will not support DX9 well. XPs are finally starting to die. You cannot tell whether sarcastic or not (probably from the declaration of gift copy 7), but XP has been the end of life’s by Microsoft. You really should upgrade to Windows 7 if you're still on XP. XP was released almost 10 years! (October 25, 2001) "On April 8, 2014, security patches and revisions of all versions of Windows XP are not available." These corrections were not actually essential after Service Pack 2. XP is an almost perfect. This is the reason that is still used by over 40%, but is being pushed away by Microsoft and other companies are helping.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    I think you might search on the internet and you will be able to get the answer for the solution and also you might get the reason why the 2 players are not there in the game.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    That part is true. Flash Player update versions caused blue screens and system crashes for a while in XP. Microsoft released a patch that you have to apply manually editing the registry ... and even if you have been able to find this reference point (most people do not even know what is causing these problems, much less search and find a solution hidden in the Microsoft Web site), does not work for all.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    Damn ... I was hoping for real cooperation on the enemy is so hard players have to work together, not the "competitiveness" a whole world makes his own to try to score points.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: No online co-op for 2 players in Renegade Ops Game

    In fact, these days ... a lot of people ... If you are a student (or know someone with an email address of the student) can be licensed retail Windows 7 $ 30. Personally I do not see the point of discharge 1-2K in hardware in the course of 5 years and chirping out to the operating system. People seem to think that piracy is good in spite of using what is really cheap. XP has to be left behind, is a decade old and has no future.

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