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Thread: Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Any idea on Uranus Zone in this game? I figure it's time to see what you really think. Uranus Zone is something totally new, with tons of new stuff to do for Frank. What do you think? What do you expect to see? Anything we should be thinking about adding that we missed?

  2. #2
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    I'm just hoping that it's not the only area for Frank to explore. A lot of what made DR 1&2 so fun was just how large and expansive the environments were. Being limited to a theme-park, no matter its size, that's nothing but an endless set-up for ass jokes doesn't really sound like it'd do the previous titles justice.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Here something which I hope in this game. Old-school DR1 firearms. Namely, the Handgun and Shotgun going back to how they were. Felt a lot more authentic (the DR2 handgun's slide doesn't move while shooting it, and the DR2 shotgun is some tricked-out slick entry weapon, not something a survivor just snatches up off a sporting goods shelf). Another improvement in companion AI. It's like every title of DR, the AI gets less retarded. This is a good trend, DR2 lessened the "I'm just going to stand here and cry" that DR1's companions had. DR: CW proved with AI-controlled Frank that having a computer teammate can actually mean using decent weapons and not being absolutely terrible. Maybe DR: OTR will get rid of the "companions shooting the crap out of me with a shotgun as I'm trying to melee zombies" issue. Fingers crossed.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2010

    Re: Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    DR: OFW content somehow linking into bonus content for DR2 somehow, and vice versa. I know it's a long-shot, but it would be kind of neat to see things like unlockables or new hand-to-hand moves transfer over to regular DR2. Bring back the cut-scene gore from DR1, and leave Psychopath bodies where they are. I hate that DR2's psychos would simply disappear after their death scene was over. Every scene doesn't have to be as gory as, say, Adam's self-inflicted chainsaw mangling, but it doesn't need to pull any punches either.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    I think Uranus Zone is going to be fun. Yes it deviates from what Dead Rising 1 & 2 were, but after seeing how serious DR was willing to go in Case West I think I prefer the humor. If I wanted a serious zombie game I would play Left 4 Dead (2). I can't wait to see and explore the new zone to see how large it really is, and also see what new psychopaths we get. I'm also interested in what new weapons are made, we got a taste at E3, but surely there must be more than that.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Uranus Zone looks good, but I know Capcom originally intended to make a Western theme park instead of the sci-fi theme park. Perhaps they can make that one as well, since it'd be a bonus to have more than one new area to roam. That would give people another reason to buy the game. Also, make sure the "sickle" weapon from the original Dead Rising is back in this game. That's one of the best weapons, and yet it wasn't on DR2, although I think I saw it on Case West. And is Capcom making any more "Terror is Reality" mini-games? Some people say yes, others no. Which is it? I would like to see TiR on Off the Record as a bonus.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Any Thoughts on Uranus Zone in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    I like that there's a new area to explore. I hope that they make another secret passage leading to it, like the one in palisades mall from the wilted flower mission. I love those shortcuts, make getting around less of a pain, and are especially useful when you're low on time.

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