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Thread: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    Hello friends, I've noticed a lot of comic book fans to register on this forum just to say TD2 must be like the comic. I can frankly say that although I found the comic entertaining, to be a world apart from the game. The comic is too unusual and have funny, cartoons and sexual essentials that do not want to see in the game. Heck, I cannot still speak I like the cel-shading in the demo, and it looks very colorful and animated when contrast with what was a dark, if you influence the games are like the comic, the plot is hurried, the characters are introduced without bottom, and half the boss fight would be in opposition to naked women, I mean really, think about it. So what you people think about it, let me know. Thank you.

  2. #2
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    May 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    I do not care to be tied up in comics, as long as they do not see the fantasy and cartoons. But if it's anything like the pictures above, I do not think I like it. Just do not feel so real. I just want to plot evil and dark tones.

  3. #3
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    May 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    Well, saying that half the boss fights would be in opposition to showing a naked woman who does not know the dark comic book very well (unless there's no boss, as in Game 1 º). The Darkness video game is based on the comic, like a franchise. Taking the Angelus of the plot would be like a game or a Batman movie without the Joker. In my opinion, the game is additional support / the darkness of the universe, but it is clearly not a "different world" ... otherwise, out of the darkness and the Darkling from the game and calls it Max Payne or whatever. The introduction of new characters in the game is not that complicated and it would be great to be able to fight more than gangsters in suits with guns that all have exactly the same appearance / character design. In addition, the appearance of Jackie, without the armor of darkness is very boring: it looks like a normal kid. Give the armor and claws and blades and would be more impressive! In the comics, Jackie mob rips apart with his bare hands / claws, which it does not take a realistic place.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    The darkness is a completely different beast from the comics. Everything that you are suggesting that it conforms to what has already been made. You want to ruin consistency only to supply you? No thanks. And yes, darkness made by Starbreeze was a completely separate piece. Deal with it.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    The darkness of the game is different from the comics? Well, not really ... the plot remains the same: Jackie Estacado is close to the unlimited powers (supernatural / fantasy!) and is an anti-mafia for control of the family, Joyce helped by the butcher. Darklings can summon and has almost the same design as the civil aspect of the story. Anyway, it's not because two or three guys on a forum saying that the game should not be related to the comic that no ... I have read elsewhere that people want a game related comic! And the Angelus is the perfect addition to light against dark plot!

  6. #6
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    It's just the difference plot. In the comic father figure Frankie kills / kidnaps Jenny. Oh, and a police guy. Paulie gets his equal, but uses his powers for Jackie. Uncle Paulie game in kills / kidnaps Jenny, and Jackie's murder plans. That's the only problem I have. Kay? Parallel plots for the same character leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    The comic also can not focus on it as much as the game, but it certainly has Jackie struggling to keep the darkness at bay a little. Adding more to the universe only help in the long run and give depth to any sequel that may come out of darkness 2. Do not get me wrong, I do not think you should only shoot at the Angelus, no. But I would like an introduction to being at least. Even track for the Angelus in the first game. The mad ranting in subway systems talk about it.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    The fact that the game was more grounded in reality was one of the reasons he was able to get attached to characters and world. We do not need darkness to the light plot. Just gives us the story of Jackie duel Jenny over, struggling to contain the dark, trying to find a simple Jenny. Just writing history with chains.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    I read some comics Top Cow, and obviously have nothing in opposition to them as a company. I have read the old darkness and a bit put off by the character of Jackie, but I love stories like Witchblade and Magladena. However, I fell in love with the darkness like a brave, terrible, peat as fuel shooter who does not have Jackie as a promiscuous Duke Nukem-esque tool, but a being credible, reasonable human. I do not want the game to be something like the comics. That's like saying Silent Hill games must have Grim Fandango environment or some other cheese, cartoons, game of "horror". I hope that was pushing back the release date for them to read our concerns as players educated and comic fanboys / fangirls.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Why is darkness 2 tied up with comic’s book and all?

    I also think it is mostly taken from the comic book and also I think it is based on the comic book, other than that the user have told you so you can think about it and get it the answer for you.

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