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Thread: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    Hello everyone I am playing the Farmville from last two three months and I need to is there any new way to accepting items from feed on Farmville. I get the lots of items and accepting is really irritating and so therefore I need to know how we can accept items from feed on Farmville very fast. My browser freezes for 2 minutes every time I load Farmville! It's bad enough that the game wants to load every time I adopt an animal, but this is awful but please change it back! I just can't afford to waste 2 minutes every time I want to get something

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    I used to like playing Farmville, actually looked forward to it and was getting my friends to join in but now I am just so frustrated with the whole thing the latest being the accept. Of gifts. I don’t even feel like playing it. The accept of gifts on FB vs. FV is not the same and I've accepted gifts in FV and they don’t show up in my gift box. I'm sure everyone is short on time so every minute of accept gifts counts. Now with this new thing on accept gifts thru the feed, we now have to do another click, get directed to FV just to have to exit and go back to FB to view other posts on the feed. I don’t have time for this new way another thing that needs to be changed is the gifts we can have in our gift box. This is so frustrating, I have Arborists, Farmhands, puppy kibble and now dog treats filling up my box and I’m having to use one /sell one(whether its needed or not) in order to receive any gifts. Come on instead of making it easier to play its just gotten so much more complicated and NOT fun to play anymore.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    Now, when you collect on a lost animal, free fuel, collectable, bonus, etc. that your friends have posted, you get a message saying "are you sure you want to accept this", to which you have to click "yes" to get it. That, in and of itself, is redundant and unnecessary. Then, to make it even more of a pain in the area, you have to wait for your farm to fully load in order to receive the item. If you click yes and then click out of Farmville before it's fully loaded, then you don't get the item and it such a waste of time, especially since Farmville takes so ridiculously long to load and often freezes up the computer if you have multiple tabs open. So I think the old thing is better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    I agree, how about fixing the broken stuff and leaving the stuff be that works fine! If I didn't want to claim an item, I wouldn't click the link. Also, the new Zynga gift bar does not remove gift requests from facebook main page, which makes it basically useless since I still have to go to each gift on the facebook claim page and click ignore since Farmville won't skip them once they're claimed through the new bar. Completely remove both these features and stop fixing stuff that's not broken, or you're going to start losing us paying customers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    This is NOT a good thing Before I could have two tabs open one on the front page and get my collections or whatever I wanted and the other was on my farm doing whatever I need to do (help neighbors plow move things around) now I click to get and it has to go to my farm which means closing the one that is open so the other can open which is going to make it real hard for me to play this is not a thank you note this is a note of put it back and let us play.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    This accepting each gift really takes long time. It slows things down even further. It was slow enough to begin with, now even worse. This process needs to be streamlined instead of slowed up. It is not enjoyable to be constantly waiting for things to happen. It reminds me of the days of when we got internet thru dial up connection. Farmville: get with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    I actually like it. Not too many things the developers have done recently I have liked but this is a good one. Now, instead of filling your gift box with too many collectibles of the same thing or too many chickens, we now have the option to decline and let another neighbor have it. I have run into the situation where I am trying to collect from the collections my neighbors put up and continue to get the same items over and over. My collections contain just about 10 of each collectible except for the rare collectibles. I keep some overflow in my gift box to replenish the uncommon ones as I put up my own. Sometimes I can end up with 5 extra spigots or blue butterflies and not need them. On the other hand i know of other neighbors who do need these items and have little luck in getting them. This way it ensures a better opportunity to get what you really want and decline those you don't want or need.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: How to use the new way of accepting items from feed on Farmville

    i for one you have pushed me over the edge first with the way facebook changed the feed, now with you the way you changed the way we collect the reason we collect is to up levels and get gas. If we have to say yes and then go back and refresh our farm to get it, it makes it nearly impossible to get anything I know you do not care about us .But if this is not changed I am not playing anymore. I am looking for a game that treats their customer with more respect than you have with us. And sure will not be one of your games

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