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Thread: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    I am glad the game gets more difficult as you level up but man some of these quests have a bit too much of an advantage. Once again I am stuck on the “I need a Hero" Quest. When i get into the game i guess the enemy is already level II - III. I start at level I. So by the time i have leveled up to II and started building my population about 4-5 minutes in game they send a rush of people over to my town and wipe my people out. Is there a strategy for this one that I am missing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    You are going to have to use a strategy that you are going to be using for the rest of the quests in this game. Get to age 2 as fast as you can and then start making about 10-20 hypes. Whenever they attack, ring the town bell and let the town center and hypes take out the attackers. In the early quest you could get by without making troops for about 10 minutes or so, but that’s not the case in later quests.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    I also have the same problem with this quest and as you say, I tried that strategy but it seems that if i have 15 hypas (as many as i could build with the resources) they end up with enhanced hypas as well as about 10 bowmen. Always seems to be one ahead of me with everything i do. Would be nice if the devs could add an upgrade option to the tech tree to allow you to start at Age II rather than having to spend vital resources on getting to that stage.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2009

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    I am about 15, nearly 4 per resource, but after about 4 minutes the first wave comes along, 6 minutes a wave double the first comes along. Doesn’t give me time to recoup my losses which are annoying. Wiped the map first time. Then ended up getting the same outcome on the next quest. I swear i must have my tech tree screwed up. Even getting a load of villagers grabbing resources for leveling and army personnel i still can’t keep up with the NPC's strategy of insta whoop back.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    Alright - so the good news is that it's beatable, by anyone. The bad news is that it's quite difficult.

    Here's what to do. It's also worth noting that this is almost the exact strategy your going to have to take from here on in:

    1 - Split up your villagers between food and wood. Here, you get SIX villagers to start with. Put THREE on food, and THREE on wood.

    2 - Create 4 additional villagers. Put ONE on food, ONE on wood, and TWO on gold. ***If you do not have enough gold around you, don't panic.

    3 - Advance to Age II (The Bronze Age) as quickly as possible.

    4 - While waiting on Age II, get a villager (or two) from either food or gold to create a Barracks.

    5 - Create as many Hypaspists as you can. Keep them near your town center.

    6 - SURVIVE the initial rushes/attacks. Your Hypaspists WILL die. Not all of them will survive, but their presence will distract the enemy attackers while your town center +Hypaspists do damage. IF the attackers begin to attack your villagers, ring the town center bell.

    7 - Build an Archery Range. Continue to build both Hypaspists and Toxotes.

    8 - DURING steps 3-7, create villagers to facilitate your resources.

    9 - Advance to age 3 quickly.

    9 - Build up your army. It should be big enough by now that you should be able to deal with any attacks easily - at this point, any attack that was on me was dealt with by my Toxotes before the attackers got anywhere near. If your Hoplites are stronger than your Hypaspists, create them.

    10 - Create a Siege Workshop - Two or three battering rams could be useful if your Hoplites aren't strong enough. If they are, like mine, then no need for rams (THEY ARE THE RAMS).

    11 - Take out the main base first (the one with the Fortress). Target the fortress with your army first, and then ensure that EACH unit attacks the same thing after that (Town center, towers, military command points, and then the rest of the buildings).

    12 - Once you've taken out the middle base, the rest of it is easy. If you created the rams, they can take out each base on their own without infantry support.

    13 - Go to each wooded box, rescue the hero, and return him to your base.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    Wow TickTak77, This was great steps. Thanks for this. I really like the explanation of yours. The whole Quest solve in one post. Thanks, this is really helpful for me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    Quote Originally Posted by Absolete View Post
    Wow TickTak77, This was great steps. Thanks for this. I really like the explanation of yours. The whole Quest solve in one post. Thanks, this is really helpful for me.
    Glad I could help!!

    Just an add-on to those of you struggling -

    1 - GOLD IS HUGE! In order to build an army, you need gold! If you have anything like the sort of luck I had, you will have no gold anywhere near your town center. Don't panic - what I should have said in my initial post is this regarding gold:

    While the map varies every time you play the quest, your position on the map relative to the enemy is almost always the same - you will start generally below the enemy and the enemy's main village (town center + fortress + military buildings) will be directly north of you. Right next to the main village to the left and right are two of the wooden bases that you need to return your heroes.

    THAT LEAVES YOU almost a full half of the map to yourself. Send your scout out very early on, directly left and right of your base (if you look at the map as a "diamond" then you want to be sending your scout out to the left-most poin and the right most point). When you realize which side is safer (one side should have a wooded base + guard towers, the other should be safer) get a villager to head out there and stick a market as far as possible from your town center. REMEMBER, Caravans represent an infinite amount of gold; I built 5 or 6 and they represented my sole source of gold for this entire mission so it can be done.


    1 - Prioritize - You can rebuild your army in far less time than you can rebuild your resource pool + resource gatherers. Therefore, villagers take priority. Ring that town center bell and protect your villagers while your military units fend off the attack. YOU WILL LOSE PEOPLE TO DEATH; don't worry about it - let it happen. So long as most of your villagers survive, you will be ok.

    2 - The scout is invaluable - if you end up in a position where you don't have any defenses, keep in mind that your never defenseless: you always have a town center (it shoots arrows!!) and you have a scout (he's quicker than they are!). Therefore, have your scout run by the enemy, and then run away. Make sure you keep this pattern up and make sure that you end up running around your town center. What will end up happening is the bulk of the attacking force will chase your scout around helplessly, allowing your town center (albeit very slowly) to kill them. If the enemy movement is predictable, then pushing shift and clicking around your town center in circles (shift will tell your scout to go after he reaches each click), will ensure that he moves around in circles without having to be commanded at each click. Your town center will take care of the rest.

    3 - Toxotes are a defender's dream - build them up as soon as you possibly can. They will defend your village far better than any infantry unit will. If you end up in a position where you have to prioritize training one or the other, always favor the ranged unit. They can defend from further away, without physically engaging the enemy. Once you get enough of them, you should be able to repel any attack well before the invading force gets anywhere near you. There came a point where I stopped caring completely about the attacks simply because my archers were doing the job without being touched.

    4 - Watch the flank - I'm not sure if it's just smart AI or whatever, but the longer the mission went on, the longer the invading force began to attack from different sides. It's definitely worth having some outposts or guard towers up to help you with line of sight anticipating attacks. Also is a good idea to try and keep your villagers from straddling to far away from your "safe" area in fear of being picked off.

    5 - BUILD MULTIPLE MILITARY BUILDINGS - What's better than one barracks? Two obviously! When resources permit, make sure that you build more than one barracks and archery range. Then, once built, make sure that your clicking on BOTH of them (both your barracks or both your archery ranges) by either double clicking on them if they are close to each other, or shift + clicking both of them to ensure they get selected together.

    Then, SHIFT + click your military unit of choice (ie. Hoplites or Toxotes). Clicking shift means that 5 (or the max number allowed at the time) units will be trained. Now that you've clicked both your ranges/barracks, clicking shift + train on that unit will train 10 of them (or the max number allowed at the time). If you continue to click shift + train on a unit type, the potential is there to create a huge number of them really, really quickly. It's a great way to build up your army very, very quickly.

    I had three barracks and three archery ranges when I played this mission and ended up pumping out something like 48 of each.

    Hope all this helps guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    I cannot beat this level. I have tried the suggested approach 20-25 times now. I am simply overrun everytime. Sometimes I can hold for some time - other times it is a matter of minutes. At one point I had more than 20 Toxotes and 20 Hypaspits - but they just kept coming - and eventually all my units were killed (and shortly after the barracks and archery was destroyed) - even though I kept building new ones all the time.

    I have never been close to get the upper hand - or to launch any attack of my own. I simply do not understand how to beat this level. Is Co op the only solution?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    I can provide a little strategy about this level. At this quest follow the below steps to complete it. The reward at this level is 22,000 Exp, 100 Coins, 22 Mycenae Points, 33 Empire Points, Loot Reward, etc. In this level put 3 villages on wood and other 3 on the food. Add more 4 and put them on wood, food and gold. You will need to advance to Age II here and build barracks. Try to train a maximum number of Hypaspists. You will need to survive from attacks here. You can make your defense stronger by making Archery and training some Toxotes. After that go to Advance age III. Now you have to make a Siege factory here and train around 3 to 4 rams. Go and attack the main base. Send someone to the fortress and others towards the base. You can then go near the wall area to collect heroes.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Stuck on the " I need a Hero" Quest in Age of Empires Online

    As mentioned I never get to being on the offensive. I have seen movies on youtube and use the same tactic - but my army is just crushed. In the youtube-movies the player has much more time to build his army. I am being attacked almost instantly. And even in one game - where I build more than 40 troops (both infantry and archers) the army was eventually destroyed because of the constant attacks. At some point I thought it was an equipment-issue. So I upgraded in order to make it the same or better than in the movie. Still no luck. After few minuttes I am attacked - and I never get to kill them all, so I cannot collect ressources. Eventually the army is gone, the HQ is attacked - and the civilians killed. I am level 20 now - but its boring never to be able to end this mission.

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