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Thread: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    I fired up New Vegas again for some days ago to do a little research. I found my way up to a place called Canyon Wreckage to check out some information about the lonesome road dlc and if the Ulysses had tagged the walls with beautiful graffiti. And i found sentences like this: `` the lonesome -road``, ``you can go home courier``, ``Courier Six`` and ``the divide``. I know this ain’t new but, what’s your opinion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    re: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    If Ulysses informed Benny, he would track down the courier and take the valueful platinum chip. If that’s the case we might get some revenge. But I don’t believe that’s the case. Because Ulysses turned down the job and gave it to the courier and there is no way he could inform Benny about this or else we would hear it from House or Benny himself later on in the game. But it could have something to do with that Ulysses knew something would Happen?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    i just thought i would say this because it only makes sense ,there is multiple locations that have no point to them like the wreckage so what would be the point on making it a location for no reason well its very obvious its where you will start a DLC in the future. I am probably not the first one who has noticed this I am jest saying it’s a give away to what the DLC that's in that area might be. If you find a reel map of the area of NV look up what area in real life has past the wreckage and you may find out where the DLC will be.

  4. #4
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    May 2009

    Re: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    As I was looking around and I found areas that it may go to but I can’t post the image because it needs a URL, but there's that big area on the east middle of your map so if someone can get a reel map of that area we can find out what’s city or town is there. They let us choose the future of the Mojave, so it's just as easy to do a past with someone, or so I'd imagine. I don't think altering the past is quite as realistic as altering the future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    Well there are supposed to be a total of three dlcs correct? What are the major remaining areas for these dlcs to be located at? Well the BoS Abandoned Bunker was for Dead Money so we can cancel that out. Then there is the Northern Passage which is blocked by ruble, The Mojave Outpost gates which is locked and requires a key, and then there is the Canyon Wreckage which blocked off by a bunch of junk. Now what are the names of the dlcs? There's "Old World Blues", "The Lonesome Road", and "Honest Hearts".

  6. #6
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    Aug 2009

    Re: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    What most of us know just about for sure is that "The Lonesome Road" is where you have the conflict Ulysses which will obviously be located at the Canyon Wreckage. Now I would assume that "Old World Blues" would be located at the Northern Passage just because an "Honest Hearts" the Mojave Outpost. We'll just have to wait and see. I do hope though they announce it soon. I found it to be a pretty dumb idea to have this long period of time between release dates, mostly dumb business wise. I need something to look forward to already.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009

    Re: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    If you visit Wolfhorn Ranch (which is called Ulysses Ranch at any other language than English), going NW from the house and crossing the higher bridge, there is a campfire, a radio, a flag pole (without flag) and a burial mound far different from any other in the game, it has some (already dead) flowers on its side, and a small burned book with an Harmonica over it. It seems someone loved/liked by Ulysses was buried in there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Found some sentences while placed Canyon Wreckage in Fallout: New Vegas- Lonesome Road

    You forgot who you were after being shot in the head. Now you have to follow the clues that you left to yourself (like that graffiti with the reversed number six and stuff) because Ulysses was psychic and could see it all coming. With the help of the Forecaster you imagine a pool of water and step inside yourself. Once the two warring halves of your tortured psyche have been reconciled (this is the real 'divide') you can lead the awestruck schizophrenic Night kin to gambling glory.

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