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Thread: Indie games you want to own, not in the Steam Store.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Indie games you want to own, not in the Steam Store.

    So I've been in a separate shooting in recent times with Earth Warzone anomaly: the ball and the Super Meat Boy Audio surf see plenty of playing time (I'm still waiting to play Magica with someone). I more or less typical of all Indie games I want to own steam and was wondering what your favorites are not indie in the Steam store. I played League of Legends and another game I cannot remember (which is more or less like a huge PvP battle).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Indie games you want to own, not in the Steam Store.

    I would like to play The Spirit Engine 2 it’s kind of, one of my favorites, been playing this since, I don’t even remember a great game but I want to play this on steam as all my friends are on steam, I am addicted to steam, and I want Spirit Engine 2 available to me through Steam for a DD. But as Too many big games are already established here. Besides, a lot of good games coming out this year, which makes them, think will indie games capable standing for too long?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Indie games you want to own, not in the Steam Store.

    Hero of the is a type of Meteoroid shooter base game , that's pretty entertaining. Completely free World Unreal is a very old but still strong survival game type RPG set in a fantasy world of Scandinavian,Costs money, if you want to play more than a certain number of days of play. Knytt Stories Knytt and platform games are pretty good. Spelunk is a very good "rogue-like game platform" that is a bit difficult to explain. The goal is to reach the lowest level of the cave and get a head, but all levels are randomly generated. You can probably think of some others if I give it some time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Indie games you want to own, not in the Steam Store.

    No big deal, but the pride of Neptune is a great browser based multiplayer strategy game. If people are interested, then we can create / host a game that will be free for everyone else to join. while I'm at my computer several times a day anyway; why not open another tab and work to take care of a galaxy? Probably not exactly what you're looking for. I am just sluggishly trying to find ways to get people interested to play the game because I want to play it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Indie games you want to own, not in the Steam Store.

    Thanks to the console of steam, many unique Games seem to be leading the way to the PC, I guess the PC is just the primary audience for this sort of thing, and mobile devices too! Independent Games are the greatest invention ever and the vapor is almost perfect for them. When MS announced the Xbox Indie Games I figured things would bring steam in that direction. It is not. This is somewhat disappointing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Indie games you want to own, not in the Steam Store.

    I do not know if I'd call Steam a quality brand, but they are certainly impressive satisfy my appetite for fun little games. Frozen synapses is just an exercise in masochism, but frozen synapses love and hope to see more games in this online through Steam. It's great that Valve is bringing these things to a wider market and helps promote it.

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