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Thread: New classes to be introduced into Torchlight 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    New classes to be introduced into Torchlight 2

    I have played various video games on the computer of mine. I am looking to install Torchlight 2 on the computer of mine. well I wanted to know what kind of the new classes is going to be introduce into the game? is there any magic class into the game? Let me know if you played the game Torchlight 2 and also you are aware of the thing which I have asked over here. I am waiting for the prompt replies of yours. Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: New classes to be introduced into Torchlight 2

    Well Necromancer will not happen because the developer of the game is supposed to mash up with the archetypal classes and they are looking to give a totally new twist into the game. all the new classes are not having the name which has been listed into the list of the traditional classes. Personally I would like to have Necromancer-themed class but I am not going to surprise if they are supposed to introduce something like unconventional skills into the game.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: New classes to be introduced into Torchlight 2

    I am really excite to play this particular game Torchlight 2 and I would like to have stealth-based class in to the game. Torchlight is having couple of ability such as Terror and Charm which can be used to change the AI of the enemies into the game. also if the developer of the game is going to provide the Blind effect in the game. it will provide a chance to approach your enemies without triggering agro of the enemies of yours.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: New classes to be introduced into Torchlight 2

    In this particular situation the developer of the game has announced couple of names like railmen and outlanders. I am not sure but railmen will be same as tanks. If you are saying more magic users. Then one will be used for the damage and other will be used for the healing purpose into the game. it is not used for the healing purpose in fact it is used as healing/xxx hybrid while playing the game Torchlight 2.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: New classes to be introduced into Torchlight 2

    According to me I would like to discuss something which give you light shed on this particular matter. Railman is seems to be human frontier and outlander is supposed survivalist. Also you might get Estherian Class who are into the universe of the Torchlight and it is master of Elementalism.or they can practice as Estherian arts. In that particular situation you need to have someone who should someone into the darker side.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: New classes to be introduced into Torchlight 2

    In this particular game I would like to have bard-style support class which can be used for the multiple purpose like hybrid of healing, buffering and debuffuring also you can have the controller roles without considering there name they are supposed to be archetypes. The name of the class does not describe which class it does belong to. We need to wait for the announcement regarding the addition of new class into the game.

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