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Thread: Just before the conference leak: Halo 4 is remake of Halo 1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Just before the conference leak: Halo 4 is remake of Halo 1

    I have played lots of games on the PS3 of mine and I have come to know that the game Halo 4 is remake of the previous version of the game Halo 1. Let me know whether the thing which I have come across is really true or it just a rumor. Let me know if you are having any useful to get the light shed on this particular matter. I am waiting for the prompt replies of yours in this particular matter. Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Just before the conference leak: Halo 4 is remake of Halo 1

    I am totally interested into the remake of the Halo which you have already mentioned over here. I am doubting that it would be as good as the original version of the game. I am thinking that the developer of the game are looking provide better game engine for the better experience of the game. looking at the previous version of the game I think the developer of the game is having great potential to have great game.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Just before the conference leak: Halo 4 is remake of Halo 1

    I don’t think so there would not be nothing new in terms of the video gaming. Well according to me there no sense that large universe with the book and comics would make the good story into the game. the previous version of the game was quite good however the master chief narrative was quite boring into the game. well personally I am really happy to have the remake of the Halo 1. The Halo 2 as well as Halo 3 was poorly written and there was no fun while playing the same.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Just before the conference leak: Halo 4 is remake of Halo 1

    I agree that the story line of the Halo 2 as well as Halo 3 was quite bad. I am hoping that the remake of the Halo 1 that is Halo 4 will be going to give you great potential. I am suspecting that the game series going to be dye after releasing of this particular game. however there is no specific announcement from the developer of the game. I would let you know as I come across any specific information on this particular matter.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Just before the conference leak: Halo 4 is remake of Halo 1

    I have seen some of the videos trailer of the game and I have found that there is big difference between the MP maps in to the game. it is looking quite great and but the SP aprt of the game is seems to be quite amateur. Also there are small details which are lacking into the game. I have seen that lost of garbage information into the game which should be fixed by the developer of the game so you will have the smooth playing of the game.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Just before the conference leak: Halo 4 is remake of Halo 1

    I don’t whether the Halo 4 is going to be remake of the Halo 1 or not. But I recommend that you have to contact the developer of the game and get the further help from them itself. Well according to me the developer of the game can only help you to get the requirement of yours. I am hoping that the develop of the game would give you an appropriate help on this particular matter. Let me know if you have get some useful information from them.

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