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Thread: Zion at Level 1 in Fallout: New Vegas DLC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Zion at Level 1 in Fallout: New Vegas DLC

    Sorry I couldn't find the thread again today but someone was asking what the lowest level you could get to Zion was. Apparently Level 1 if you're careful. I managed to get to the Happy Trails caravan at Level 1 but I dinged to 2 completing the quest to arrive there. If I'd been a bit more careful travelling to Happy Trails (avoiding the new discover location exp) It would probably have been level 1. Whether this is a good idea is debatable. The critters and tribal’s scale down to your level but you also seem to get less exp for completing the quests at this low a level (sorry I wasn't writing it down to compare with my high level character).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Zion at Level 1 in Fallout: New Vegas DLC

    If anyone's curious as to getting past the Death Claws at the quarry area, as soon as you finish character creation and leave the Doc's office, get the Stealth Boy from the safe in the school house (there's always one there, the loot isn't random). Travel due east from Good springs keeping on a line to the south of the cross by the side of the Yangtze Memorial. If you observe any coyotes swing clear of them and they won't chase you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Zion at Level 1 in Fallout: New Vegas DLC

    Once you hit the highway/railroad tracks turn north. The Powder Gangers won't be hostile to you yet unless you attack one. When you get to Sloan turn east through the canyons. There are some bark scorpions there but you can out them pretty easily. Once you get to chain link fence at Hidden Valley angle a bit to your left / north and you should come around the cliff to Neil's Shack at the foot of Black Mountain. A good idea to save here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Zion at Level 1 in Fallout: New Vegas DLC

    Stay off the road and keep going east from the shack till you hit a sheer wall and start going north, staying as high up as you can. Start sneaking and watch your Hidden icon (having your Stealthboy hot keyed is a good idea here) and when you get close to the Gomorrah bill board it will usually click over to Caution. Use your Stealthboy and keep hugging high up on the cliff until you're able to start going due east. Keep going east until you get to the 188 overpass. From there look to the northwest for the Lucky 38 "space needle" tower and aim for it (if you have the draw distance turned down head north north west).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Zion at Level 1 in Fallout: New Vegas DLC

    I use this method every time I start a game, to get the intelligence implant at level one. But you do not need the stealth boy. You can stay up on the high ground that Neil’s shack is on until you reach a point where you can see a dead NCR trooper on the path to Black Mountain. If you go up the side path there when no mutants are around, you don't need the stealth boy. You may take a little damage from the bear traps and falling rocks, but seeing as you shouldn't encounter any hostiles after that point until the Strip, you should be good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Zion at Level 1 in Fallout: New Vegas DLC

    Finished Zion with the character I got there at Level 2. He was Level 10 when I was done and had completed all the quests including Ghost of She (.45 smg, can feel the nerf calls coming already). It was actually pretty fun but I'm not sure if I'll carry on with the character. The gear you get by the end is so overpowered for that level it makes most of the regular Mojave content next to trivial. I did all the FO3 dlcs at level 1, but I was kind of thinking' after DM that I may not be able to do NV's. I've heard of a few folks doing DM at lvl1 and now you've done HH, so it looks like a level DLC jaunt is in the works for me.

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