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Thread: The Elder scrolls: what is the Infernal City?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    The Elder scrolls: what is the Infernal City?

    I finally got the novel a couple weeks ago and finished it the other day. It was fine, BUUUUUT, disappointing. Am I the only here not satisfied with what happened to Morrowind? Not the fact that it was completely wiped out, but what caused that cataclysmic event. Okay so the ministry of truth fell on Vivec on the temple canton, the second farthest one from Vvardenfell, a canton floating on water which somehow caused Red Mountain to erupt and destroy most of the island then the Argonians of Black Marsh took the chance to exact revenge on their former slavers and drive the survivors to solstheim . That's it no then a magical floating island came at it out of nowhere with an army of undead beneath it to kill and steal the souls of everyone within its range, cool.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: The Elder scrolls: what is the Infernal City?

    The meteor impact shockwave causing a volcanic eruption is quite plausible scientifically. The vibration would have caused seismic activity under the volcano and BOOM. The rest of it is really sensible on its own based on the lore or the book itself. Getting rid of Morrowind was really just a means of de-stagnating the lore and making the Dunmer move as a culture, and the Black Marsh thing was started as far back as Oblivion. Morrowind being destroyed was explicitly foretold as far back as Morrowind. Titus Mede was answered and explored in the book itself, he was the most powerful bandit warlord at the end of the day so he declared himself Emperor.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: The Elder scrolls: what is the Infernal City?

    I am not sure if these were mentioned in the previous threads, so I apologize in advance. What is Umbriel? I know it's a big hunk of rock powered by some sort of oblivion-fueled ingenium. But where did it come from? Who are its inhabitants and what are their goals. Is Umbra explicitly mentioned as the Daedric Prince of Umbriel, or is that a summation of what he's become. In the Amazon sample pages I read a scene where mothlike creatures were descending from Umbriel upon the undead below. They seemed somehow linked to the creation of the undead. Could someone shed some light on this? And are there any new creatures inhabiting Umbriel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: The Elder scrolls: what is the Infernal City?

    I got out the novel to check on a few things, and I've found a few interesting passages. To me, this means Alessia Caro's granddaughters inherited her treacherous ways. Anyway, the Mage's Guild has been replaced by a religious guild and a secular one. When Annaig mentions that a Synod mage has (re) me, this means Alessia Caro's granddaughters inherited her treacherous ways. Anyway, the Mage's Guild has been replaced by a religious guild and a secular one. When Annaig mentions that a Synod mage has four hundred miles of here, you might have a chance of learning that, after a few years paying their dues." Keyes goes on to say the building in Lilmoth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: The Elder scrolls: what is the Infernal City?

    Actually lots of stuff there and not a lot of time on my hands. I figured "Outlaw Army" to mean either bandits or some kind of marauders like you kill so much of in Oblivion, and a warlord in this kind of political climate is a rough equivalent to a mafia don. as for the Thalmor, they are probably super-extremist, therefore members of the races who they believe "should" agree with them who don't are dissenters and likely considered racial traitors. Such an extremist faction would likely attempt to murder any of said dissenters who fled the country as refugees. My calculations of the Mede Empire are basically Cyrodiil, perhaps parts of Skyrim and some of the Iliac Bay possibly. Not much beyond that.

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