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Thread: The best character in Brink

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    The best character in Brink

    I just get some character on brink. The Best Character is as follows:
    Weight - light
    Primary Weapon - Barnett Light Rifle, Speed Sling
    Secondary Weapon - Sea Eagle Pistol, Speed Holster, Up-vent muzzle break, Rapid Fire
    1. Speed Sling/Holster means fast weapon switching with a negligible decrease in stability.
    2. The muzzle break helps just enough on the Sea Eagle to make close calls good ones.
    3. The Sea Eagle's damage output is in fact MORE than the carb-9's especially due to its better accuracy as illustrated by further-range kills. Lower fire rate means more skill required.

    If I miss any or if anyone else has any other information on this than, please share.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: The best character in Brink

    You miss the point of the LMG as a legitimate weapon if you think it needs more damage to do its job. It's designed as a suppression weapon, and quite well in Brink, and will rack up the kills and assists if you are with a team of guys utilizing other weapons. It's for holding groups at bay. Second, your "best character" is ineffective to a lot of gamers out there who can't aim well enough to use the Barnett and sea eagle, so it's barely the "best" overall whether or not it's best for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: The best character in Brink

    Right off the bat I can tell you that your "perfect" character is flawed for two reasons.
    1. He dabbles in too much and doesn't specialize in any class making him a bunch of "meh" classes instead of a cpl "YEAHHH" ones
    2. You passed on one of the most important universals (especially to a sprinting and SMART using light) which is silent running. How can this character be the best if everyone on the other team can see everywhere he goes while SMARTing around?

    Also like previously said heavy weapons are very good at what they are designed to do (group suppression / group disarray) while those around them get accurate shots. And like previously said what is great for you won’t work at all for someone else (the Barnett is a slow 1 shot weapon with little ammo which is bad for people with bad shots).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: The best character in Brink

    There was nothing sarcastic or angry about my previous post. Its the truth. Your build seems selfish and subpar in all roles.

    1. Body Type: Based on the fact that you don't have silent running and you want to use the Barnett, light seems like a poor choice. You basically built your guy to be in the back, so why mess around with low HP. Switch to a medium since you're not going to be outflanking anyone.
    2. Weapon Choice: Poor at the mid-range where most of the fights occur
    3. General: No Silent Running means your flanking options are sub-optimal. Good luck trying to catch anyone off-guard.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: The best character in Brink

    When you only have 2 supply pips, and one teammate nearby, which is going to give your team more of a boost? Buff your own weapon, and buff your teammate's, giving the enemy 2 powerful guns, and 2 targets to worry about, or buffing the player with the most powerful gun (whether that be you or your teammate is irrelevant) and building a turret, thus providing an extra weapon to damage your enemies, AND an extra target they have to worry about attacking? Do you really think the damage buff is better every time? Yes, a buffed teammate IS more powerful (and versatile) than the turret, but your buff didn't will the guy into existence. He was already there. Does your damage buff increase the damage your teammate does by more than the damage output of a turret?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: The best character in Brink

    Just run by turrets and spray them. Yes, a damage-buffed player (or BOT) is more alert and damaging than a turret. Turret detection and damage are horrible. The equivalent of a player not paying much attention with a pistol (light), SMG (medium), or unbuffed AR. Improved damage buff far exceeds any turret's damage potential, and player (or BOT) attention far exceeds any turret's detection. Buffing yourself and the 1 other teammate is better than building a turret. Your teammate is the turret+better attention+higher damage+the skills their class has.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: The best character in Brink

    Turrets can be manipulated to fire on enemies even when they're facing the other end of their scan range. I'm not even talking about an Operative using control turret. There are certain things you can do that will make a turret suddenly turn and start shooting the attacking force. There's a button that says multi quote. You can click it and it will allow you to quote multiple posts so you only have to make one reply. Stealth editing is generally in poor taste. Believe what you want, but your build is garbage and demonstrates that you're not a team player.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: The best character in Brink

    I didn't say "does the buffed player do more damage than the turret?" - I made a clear point of NOT asking that. I'll try again though. Does the buffed player do more damage than the unbuffed player and a turret? (I'll give you a hint: The correct answer is "no") can the buffed player be in two places at once? (I'll give you another hint: The correct answer here is also "no"). I'm not saying turrets are better than the buff, either, because, as you pointed out, they have flaws - there are certain places they can be placed where they will be REALLY powerful and effective, and other places they're not so useful.

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