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Thread: Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

    So I'm plugging with a random group in KB, and even around the world / help (Tank) orientation, we are pulling agro. This occurred for each extraction, and finally someone asked. After still no improvement, the tank was removed. I ended up switching to a paper cassette and took another DPS. I do not know why the group decided that the tank could not change his role, but it was GL, so not much to say. My question is, if it is okay to put a tank cannot keep aggro, or put a cleric cannot heal the tank. Why not have good DPS meter for DPS classes are not doing much damage? My query is, if it is okay to put a tank cannot keep aggro, or put a cleric cannot heal the tank. Why not good DPS meter have for DPS classes are not doing much injures? DPS classes to jump on the tanks that are not holding agro rapidly and forcefully enough but seem to be against healers and their lack of damage and take it to them. Does it seem hypocritical to anyone else?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

    This is exactly. Especially considering that should have at least one support for a strong group in this game. Tank, Healer / DPS Off, Support / Off Heal / Off penetrations, and two primary insights. It is very difficult to see if it is a matter of DPS, frankly is the HP mobs drop fast enough? If not what kinds of spells are cast, are single targets or AOE, single point, any distribution centered?
    Honestly the dungeons of this game are really not hard, it’s fun, and conquer it by any group that takes a little effort. Now if you have a behind eating Cheetos and watching TV while playing then, yes you have a problem, but those are easy to detect spells have animations and if your animations and the cast bar moves half Sometimes the other guys then it’s time to have a chat.
    Also please do not forget that this is not the Rift any other game you played and your healer and support people should be putting out DPS and also what I've seen so far should not be the same person. All kinds of healing to draw some powerful benefits of DPS do as well as cure.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

    I'm not being exclusive here, but with the right amount of investigate and correct requirement tank attractive easy to do. However, as in most MMO tank is always the first to get the blame when something goes wrong in an instance. Sometimes, due to overzealous bad dps or a healer. When TI collapsed first time I felt like I sucked, but then quickly figure out it was our healer was the rotten apple in our group because I did another group shortly after and had no problem. Also people have to be patient and understand that not everyone plays in beta and not perform the request and taking the time to explain the cases. If I was there dpsing my warrior I have wondered if the guy had a dps role will change to that role then changed my tank and let us finish the instance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

    Cannot tell when dps is not killing fast enough. KB last night I ran 3 times with the same group. Tank, healer, dps Riftblade (I), dps priest, and rogue dps. We finished the first race and everyone seems to be contributing equally. The rogue was constantly shooting skills (Ranger / mm specifications) each GCD.
    So check my parser and I did 40% of the damage during the race, the cleric had a 28% of the damage and the other 3 were about 10% each.
    Someone asked if anyone had an interpreter, so I said yes, everyone in the group asked if I could tell them the numbers. I gave him the numbers and then the rogue PM'd me and asked me to keep posting his number after each boss. After our race 2 of the implementation of this type was finally respec'd after getting sad that while I was doing 300 DPS and the priest was making cracks 100dps 200 was just like a PURE DPS class

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

    He respecd before the last run and got rid of some of the points of the rubbish that was they were more focused on PvP or alone and uses one of its four functions to create your "example" paper. Your DPS in the last race down considerably increased 200 and said he was going to download a program analysis and do more research in class and good rotations. Then said they wanted that offers damage meters in the game so it could have addressed his low dps before, because like many others assumed he was also contributing because things were dying rapidly thanks to me and the cleric.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

    Did you not read my post? He was constantly firing off attacks every GCD. Right and how do i inspect his build? Oh wait you can't. Bad players are already crying that they never add build inspection ability. And what's the dissimilarity in inspecting someone’s build and gear and effective them they need to get better as opposed to proverb hey you are a pure dps class and doing as much injure as the tank according to the parser. Not sure what your point is.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Tank in our group got kicked - why is this okay in RIFT?

    Unless you're talking about someone sitting in a pub full of energy all the time that you cannot see the amount of DPS that someone is doing unless you are also reading all the actions they take, and if so, should be that the analysis in the first place.
    DPS meters do not think I have solved everything, because someone might be doing low DPS just because specced differently. Said this is ridiculous to suggest you know how much DPS, if you have three guys who are mainly doing DPS. You may be able to tell the difference if you replace one with another person, but no way are just getting started with a group that will be able to tell who is doing more DPS.

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