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Thread: Only one class the MM has purge in RIFT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Only one class the MM has purge in RIFT

    I actually like this game very much and I am really interested to do research on any games. So how much I could find. Just one class the MM has the purge. You as well have to go bottomless into MM to get it 44pts IIRC. MM is not a well-liked class to play. There are not several of them. How is giving ONE class, that being a Pyro or any additional spirit would be better, something helpful a bad thing? Anyone have any more idea or any information on this than please provide me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Only one class the MM has purge in RIFT

    What? Not a well-liked class? People wish to play it as a main. A lot of people don't like playing ranged when depending on a pet. The trouble was that MM was surpassed by ranger, so they had to play that. Currently with the buffs, lots of people will go MM in its place if it's going to be a feasible class contrasted to Ranger. I would be extremely content to ditch ranger and go unadulterated ranged without having to rely on a pet for DPS. My erect for AOE in 1.2 will at a standstill be the ranger as a main, and possibly MM for bosses/PVP.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Only one class the MM has purge in RIFT

    I think I had an aneurysm attempting to read the OP, I blacked out, woke up, there was blood on the desk and I think somebody stole my wallet. I will attempt to react with what you guys have attempted to translate. For MM purge: It’s a nice thought and if it has a cool down at launch of as a minimum some seconds than it’s really great. If there isn't a cool down I can see that being truly insulting really fast but it will be amusing for a few days. I am honestly looking forward to the patch, I purchased the game with the purpose of playing MM and saw red during head start while it became all but unplayable because of across the board nerfs rather than measured refuse.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Only one class the MM has purge in RIFT

    You understand there are other mage specs besides Pyro? All these purges make Chloro ineffective except Trion lastly gets off their and makes LGV undispellable just like they did with confidence in action and same melee Cleric buffs. As well, most mage specs rely greatly on long CDs all of which are dispellable and with the CC changes the majority Mage builds is becoming ineffective. Fundamentally Trion’s just cubbyhole much more mages into Pyro as Burst>CC and lots of our builds are going to undergo from being continually purged.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Only one class the MM has purge in RIFT

    I guess I necessitate being more eloquent in what I am attempting to depict. This is what I necessitated to say, but obviously did not stumble upon well. I my modest opinion, I do not feel that the MM's purge is OP. Nor do I think there should be a cool down timer on it. I experience the way it is presently will be a balance. I do not see many people playing MM just for the purge. Nor do I notice them wanting to renounce DPS just to keep somebody rebuffed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Only one class the MM has purge in RIFT

    Thus far I have played a cleric, mage and rogue to 50. I play many PvP, I am more eager on world PvP than warfronts but I at a standstill do both. Stripping buffs is particularly powerful; it factually cripples a few builds except they notice what you just did, which they don't all the time do. I learned this when playing a Justicars hybrid in PvP and the just people I ever had troubles taking down were people actively utilizing purges. I adapted the build I was utilizing to throw 10 points into inquisitor and got the band 2 buffs each 10 seconds and threw it into my revolving to massive result.

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