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Thread: Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

    The Red River game is very good IMO and so far I'm enjoying it a assortment, but my main complaint is how the game is linear, and (sorry to say) COD, apart from adding features of realism. I really hope that you take a note from your previous game (Dragon Rising) and do some missions more open world where you can roam freely. Allocate players to perform what they wish for really add to the game in terms of replay value and fun. Make linear gameplay makes it uninteresting, because it forces players to play as you want, and not as we wish for. Also, why not have missions where you can use vehicles that are not only the humvee?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

    Hello according to my knowledge and experience, Codemasters are the simply company that will representation and texture an entire country to play on. And after that make the campaign consist of "run downward this road, and situate within this building here. I hope now you are clear with your doubt. If you still have a doubt then you can search it on official site of this game. You will get proper information on your query.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

    When I first saw the map he was surprised at how big and impressive, but felt since I was only able to explore certain areas (representing less than 1 / 4) of the map is quite annoying. Imagine being able to freely explore the map with your computer. I think if CM had modeled only really play areas in the graphs below, would be 5 times better instead of areas that we can only see from a distance. What you think about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

    Yes, it's huge. The map size is regarding 20x10km. It is very large indeed. about 10 km smaller than the DR though, but still huge. It would be possible to make an open world game; it would take a long time and even resources. It would in all probability take a full programming team regarding a month, possibly two. However even I possibly will do (mostly for the reason that I'm doing one for DR). Therefore, it is without doubt achievable. Thank you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

    I'm in no doubt you are not allowed to just run out of control across the landscape like a U.S. Marine, but I would love to see some types of semi-customizable game that could use all the map, or most it. For me, a kind of pin drop function of the objectives in the main map would make the game endless co-op mode. Even if you make use of existing game types, however were able to situate goals that are able to automatically generate enemy populations inside the area. They have a few vehicles available to transport your computer (maybe even a helicopter) and this is my dream game.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

    Everyone has been saying this since the first day of the release of a dragon on the rise. All we wish for is an open living inhalation world. They include 3 or 4 quest / mission centers dotted approximately the map (base camp). From these set out the objectives and set out on a vehicle selected. They could be hidden throughout the map to make the player really wants to explore every inch of ground. Weapons caches also can be hidden in this way, with new weapons, scopes, and silencers, whatever. Way more appealing than you are "COD weapon release system" which has been milked through every bloody games developer attempting to build quick money.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Open world game pack for Operation Flashpoint: Red River

    Yes, I cannot articulate that myself. Have a linear game play works for the reason that it's COD on delivery. However in making these large areas that really need and want to explore everything. I know that the Republic was going to travel as far as he could (walk) just to test the limits and see most of Skira as I could. The second mission in the Dominican Republic (forgot the name) is probably one of the major limitations as well as trumpet.

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