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Thread: Open world game pack in OFP: Red River

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Open world game pack in OFP: Red River

    The gameplay of RR is very nice in my opinion and thus far I am enjoying it plenty but my key complain is how linear the game is, it’s just like COD, apart from the totaling of practicality features. I actually do wish that you take a note from your earlier game and make a few additional open world missions where I can liberally roam around. Allowing the players to perform what they wish would truly put in to the game in terms of replay value and amusing. Please provide me some information on this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Open world game pack in OFP: Red River

    While I first seemed at the map I was astonished at how big and remarkable it looked but as I was just able to discover certain areas (that makes up below 1/4) of the map is fairly annoying. Imagine being able to liberally discover that map with your squad. I think that if CM had just replica the areas we actually play on then the graphics would be 5X superior in place of making areas that we can just see from a distance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Open world game pack in OFP: Red River

    Yes it is gigantic. The map size is approximately 20x10km. It’s very big actually. Approximately 10km below DR though, but at a standstill huge. It would be probable to make an open world game, it would get countless time though and resources. It would possibly take a full programming team about a month, possibly 2. But even I could make it (especially as I am making one for DR). So it is definitely probable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Open world game pack in OFP: Red River

    I am certain you are not permissible to just run amok around the landscape as a US Marine, but yes, I would adore seeing a few semi customizable game types which might use the complete map, or bigger portion of it. For me, a few type of pin drop feature for objectives on the master map would make the game continual in co-op form. Even if you utilized existing game types, but were able to set objectives which might mechanically generate enemy populations in the region. Have some vehicles at your removal to convey your squad and this is my dream game.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Open world game pack in OFP: Red River

    Everybody has been saying this as day 1 of Dragon rising release. All we wish is an Open living Breathing world, Have 3 or 4 quest or mission hubs scattered around the map. From these you would surprise your objectives and begin in a selected vehicle. These could be hidden around the map to create the player truly wish to discover every inch of the terrain. Weapon caches could as well be hidden in this way, with novel guns, scopes, whatever. Way more interesting than you’re "COD weapon unlock system" that has been milked by each games developer attempting to make a rapid buck.

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