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Thread: Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

    MAG is a veteran and one of the most important things I learned is that you need to listen to his commanders. Even if sound stupid if you say you do something that is imperative that you listen. When the game starts I will give leadership training to anyone interested. I hope to provide better leaders who are then made MAG. KAOS also any people who are reading, to be a leader in easy to understand. If you have different channels to talk as MAG did then make it easy for people to understand that it must change the channel back to the original first default channel. So many times in MAG will have a PL or the OCI and would stay in the broadcast equipment in the game, or a RS thought he was talking to his team, but was actually chat Platoon. Make sure there is a tutorial leader you must take to qualify to take a leadership role. This is, of course, if you have things like that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

    But in HomeFront sadly commander is just an AI. Commanders in MAG and squad leaders/commanders in BF bring those games in a completely new level. Team of pr0 lone wolves will be surely defeated by the team of average players that play as a team (with assist of commander). Totally agreed Let all those so called leaders burn in hell, and stop ruining cool shooters.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

    Battle Commander is an AI. This doesn't necessarily mean that someone can't take the reins, commit themselves to nothing but parrot drones, and offer some situational awareness and advice to those on the ground. I plan on doing it, and I know those I am playing with me will roll with it. That's the beauty of team work. But like LC said, most people trying to offer their "vast tactical knowledge" have no idea what they're talking about. I'd love to see this "leadership course" you're teaching, just to see if you happen to be one of them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

    My TF2 clan leader isn't exactly the type to give orders to begin with... he's more focused on roaming around with cars and server settings like causing players to bounce off the walls or have random damage (anywhere between -500 and 500 damage per shot) and he'd probably expect half of us to give smartass remarks about it and ignore him if he did give us a real order, then kick us and tell us he's roaming around on that server so we should go play on one of his other dozen or so servers. Casual clans are fun. It was more of a group of friends than a competitive clan anyway.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

    If you are that kind of person who wants to run around and randomly shoot random then fine go ahead. But if you're the kind of person that wants to play a game like HomeFront then listen to your commander. My advice is finding a clan of someone who knows what they are doing. And for the person who said they'd like to take my leadership course you are more than welcome to, to find out that I mean business. I have one set up on MAG that I use, but I'd have to find a way to give one in HomeFront when it comes out. If you have MAG please add me and I'll be more than happy to show you how I've become a successful leader and feared soldier on MAG.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

    Most of the truly great Squad Leaders, Platoon Leaders and OIC's in MAG don't actually order their people to do anything. what they do is suggest a plan so that the squad is working together to achieve an objective (like winning the game). You get double points if you go for the objective the Squad Leader suggests, but it's certainly an option. The nasty ones that order their players around tend to get ignored. When you get a great platoon leader who lays out the general strategy for 4 squads and the 4 squads actually work together. the game can truly be magic. The feeling of working together to outsmart the opposing team through strategy and working together really does take gaming to the next level. Unfortunately, not everyone suited to leadership gets leadership in MAG. which is fine? Sometimes you have an absentee leader and the squad just chats or sees what other squads are doing and decides on a common strategy other times everyone just does their own thing. The game unfortunately doesn't reward this though and it's rare to see a bunch of random with no common goal actually win an offensive game. That being said, the AI battle commander does sound like fun. It seems a more automated version of a good MAG commander someone who says, look that sniper is picking us off as we try to take the bunker the new squad objective is to kill that sniper! (Or more often a fast attack vehicle that they have parked behind the bunker mowing people down with its MG). Anyway for those complaining about "team players" and "bossy leaders" don't knock it till you've really tried it. Working as a unit in a collaborative manner (because that's what good leaders do) is a feeling unlike any other. It makes a win all the sweeter and a loss more tolerable.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Listening to your commanders in HomeFront

    Yes, but this is a lot easier with squad system. You can organize people quickly in logical structure. Ability to spawn on commander prevents from squad shattered, an option to put graphical markers on map helps with checking squad progress (and prevents from double orders). Spotting system helps with marking High Valuable Targets without spamming on VoIP. These features are not mandatory, but used properly became powerful tool.

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