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Thread: Creative game modes in HomeFront

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Creative game modes in HomeFront

    I wanted this game desperately so I had preordered it almost 4 months back, because I love to play this kind of games. I really hope you guys take advantage of 32 players and the evolving map and make some really unique and fun game modes. Things like capture the objective and defuse the bomb have been done to death. This looks like it will take the fps genre to the next level so I have high hopes. Don't let me down.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Creative game modes in HomeFront

    My ideas: Kill the commander. One person on a team will be appointed "The commander". While the other team has the objective of killing the commander 5 times to win. The team with the commander must saftly gets him to the helicopter on the other side of the map. The leader will be wearing dissimilar uniform then every else but he appear the same on the radar. This game type will require a lot of teamwork and announcement. Dogfight half of each team will start in tanks, the other half of the teams will start in helicopters. Everyone has 5 lives and it'll be a battle to the death. This will be 6vs6 game mode since there almost certainly won’t be enough space for an 8vs8. Protect the hostage One team has the task of defensive the hostage (AI). The hostage will be inside a building and cannot leave the building but he can run up and down the stairs. Since he's in a building he'll be protected from tanks and helicopters so you'll have to kill him on foot. To make it fair he will have a lot of health. The game will last 10 minutes. The protecting side has to win by having the time run out and the other side has to kill the hostage before the time runs out. The storyline for this mode will be something like the Americans have token a North Korean soldier hostage and knows valuable information so the north Korean army tries to kill him before he talks. I'll be adding to this list soon. Feedback would be appreciated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Creative game modes in HomeFront

    Alright check this game mode the Americans have to infiltrate a building where that remote control buggy thing from the campaign is being kept if there successful they have to rewire it this will work the same as planting or defusing a bomb with a twist u will have to have an engineer class to do this so after its rewired the Koreans fall back expanding the battlefield then the Koreans objective is to destroy the buggy thing and the Americans is to protect but since (rpg heads are cheap it will take a lot to take it down) if the Americans are successful by getting to a set destination then the Koreans have a last stand against the Americans before a death match goes down which both teams will then have a limited number of spawns but the first two rounds I explained have to be completed in a set amount of time feel free to give this a name and improve on it where u think its lacking

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Creative game modes in HomeFront

    If you mean the locations of the objectives, we're pretty much getting that. Check out the 'Large Scale Warfare' trailer. This reminds me, though - Kill zone 2 and Section 8 both did quite interesting things with changing the objectives. KZ2 actually changed game types several times within each match (so you change from simple TDM to attack/defend to assassination, etc) and Section 8 had kind of events (I forget the official name) which suddenly announced an enemy convoy or similar, then gave you bonus points if you destroyed/escorted/whatever in a set time limit while the normal match was still going on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Creative game modes in HomeFront

    The Game modes from MAG were pretty unique...and I'd like to see something similar since it demands a lot of teamwork as opposed to individual skill. MAG Game modes: Suppression - 32 v 32 Team Death match Sabotage - 32 v 32 "Search and Destroy", except there are two sets of objectives. The platoon must split 16 to 16 to get Objectives A + B, which must be held at the same time to activate a third objective C, where then all 32 players move in to destroy a target with C4 Acquisition - 64 v 64 Frontal Assault Game Mode. Two Platoons have the objective of infiltrating an enemy base defended by a line of Bunkers (forward spawns), an Anti-Air battery, mortars, and a Satellite facility with the goal of stealing a vehicle from the back of their map and successfully driving it OUT of their base. Massive teamwork required: Bunker line protects AA, AA protects from incoming bombs, and Mortars hold back troops. Domination - 128 v 128 Assault Game Mode. Four platoons of 32 players have the objective of destroying an enemy base from the inside out. Must like Acquisition, there are a line of bunkers, four AAs, Four mortar batteries, and Four satellite facilities. Like "Sabotage", teams must activate a series of objectives in order to destroy the facility. The first sets of objectives are at the bunker line. The second sets are behind the AA. The last sets of objectives are within the central compound of the enemy's facility which they can defend by repairing doors, gates, roadblocks, and defensive perimeters.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Creative game modes in HomeFront

    Oh of course. Here is kind of what I meant (sorry if I base everything off of MAG): In MAG there is a OIC position for the 256 player game mode which has the unique ability of an "attack refresh". This ability provides all squad leaders and platoons leaders with an immediate boost to their ability to drop or call in airstrikes/strafing runs. But the OIC can only use this limited amount of time, so he usually has to verbally call out a time such as "Attention Squad leaders I will drop the attack refresh at the 15 minute mark" that way everyone on the team is aware of when they can utilize their attack abilities.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Creative game modes in HomeFront

    Not exactly a game mode, but this is something I’ve wanted to see in MP, how about actively wander AI civilian NPC's, killing an NPC nets you -1, it can defiantly add to the realism/ambience and frantic chaos that is real world combat. Plus you 'could' make a game mode out of it, where NK must hunt down US rebels whom are hiding in with the normal civilian populace. it’s a concept I’ve never seen fully implement in and FPS Multiplayer before, and this game has the feel that could pull it off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Creative game modes in HomeFront

    The commander one sounds good but sounds very much like VIP in Rainbow Six Vegas and GRAW 1. The Dogfight sounds like a good starting point for a vehicle based game type and the options sound great. The only issue I have with the last mode is having an AI controlled person in a MP game. These things can go wrong in so many ways. I can recall restarting co-op maps on GRAW 2 because the AI was stupid. But having a human be that person and say the N. Korean soldier is an officer with info, which has switched sides because he doesn't agree with the occupation. And then since this is a soldier he could protect himself in some way. Or maybe even sabotage the Americans.

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