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Thread: Teamwork online in Homefront

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Teamwork online in Homefront

    So, Homefront delivered on Tuesday. We all will play through the campaign; the United States for freedom, and then our eyes fell on the Multiplayer. Now, this is where I want to make clear action shots on the internet. For this, we will be taking Call of Duty: Black Ops for instance, not to represent the Homefront in general, but the behavior of people in line. Search and Destroy. You are on the offense, the final round. You said the team's to protect you as you head out toward the bomb site, but they ignore you and head out in groups, even after you warned them that other teams during the last round of heavy camping there. However, they taunt you and run right into the machine-gun nests, and they are all kind of moment without notice. What you all say about this? Please share knowledge and ideas about this with me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Teamwork online in Homefront

    You and one other member of the warning note against the road to the bomb site. So far, so good. You plant a bomb in your hands at his in-your arm. You run into a bit neglected you have completed to make sure no one defuse the bomb, and when you tell your friends infantry to close the gate just in, he ignores you and starts trying to kill the top shelf. Sure enough, someone walks in and after a while the hustle and bustle of a fire-fight, you die, and the allegations were domesticated. While you wait for the next round to come, the team's mock-you for being a terrible player (and most of them are hyper ten-year-olds with no life, and bad boy) what a way to waste half an hour?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Teamwork online in Homefront

    Now, along comes Homefront. Ibis intense and mirroring features both multiplayer Call of Duty and Battlefield, but so different that it's refreshing to see the First Person Shooters in general. Now, whether you wish the behavior is so common in the Call of Duty appears on the Homefront? So, what will we do about this? This is where the situation is given to the public. What will we do to strengthen cooperation and reduce the forces on the single-devouring, ego-centric player Neanderthals are just there for a fine KDR and more than 360 degrees no-coverage?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Teamwork online in Homefront

    I agree that people should have the same team better and personally I feel your pain and my team played so well that I do not care I KDR, I just care about helping my team. Winning is more important to me because I want to be able to lead my side to win, and that means I work entirely with my team. Tank is inbound? I would buy the aircraft without crew, UAV, or RPG to stop [the Homefront (or anything they have to tell us regarding it) as an instance]. Need an enemy MG nest clean? Call me to remove from the joint arms attacks. The New comer just kills, repeatedly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Teamwork online in Homefront

    I am so tired of seeing 90% of the people out there with no mics. (I am on ps3, Xbox live was more mics, but also more immature people in my opinion). The ones with mics just talk about pointless crap, or fuss about how bad/unlucky they are doing (I am guilty as well). It is very hard to find people that actually want to "try" to work together and have a good time. To me 1/3 of the fun is the ability to cooperate. When you cooperate with someone and pull off something you couldn’t have done alone, it’s an amazing feeling, and very rewarding in many ways. I don’t expect people to be perfect. I am far from it. What I would like to see though, are people who are more willing to partially work together for a common goal. I want to know that that gunner is going to stay in the gunner seat until we get to the flag and capture it. I don’t want to drive into a dangerous zone thinking we have the firepower to do the job, but then get there and the gunner jumped out. Mic communication would solve this problem (mainly). At the very least, it would be nice if people who don’t have mics listened to those that do have mics.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Teamwork online in Homefront

    Kangaroo is optimistic, and I am not downing that, but the probability is that Homefront will be the same way as all the other games that I get so aggravated with. There will be team work, but not the kind we are looking for maybe. The only solution I can think of to this problem is to be in a clan or have some friends (I have none on ps3 yet since I haven’t had it that long and all my real life friends are on xbox360). Many times though, there isn’t a clan that suits you. If I like Homefront, after that I am probably going to start my own small clan. A clan that can have "fun" and "gossip", while strategizing (simple, but effective strategies) at the same time. I believe that, with cooperation, a team of fair skilled players can defeat "skilled" loners (with 360degree no-scopes). So that brings up a good point. "If" you can find a good team to play with, then all those idiots that we complain about (not using teamwork) become a laughing stock when we divide and conquer. When I speak of making a clan, it will be one that doesn’t compete with other clans. It would be one, where you just play with buddies that you become familiar with, and can become familiar with the same strategies, and most importantly, be coordinated to put them to good use.

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