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Thread: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    1. The avatar does not stay as chosen. Every time I go back to my island, I am asked to choose m/f.
    2. The seals and jellyfish do not stay. After returning to my island, I find my seals and jellyfish swimming away. I have to move them back and click stay every time.
    3. Accepting gifts. I cannot do this. I have lost a few gifts after accepting them. I get taken to the page that is supposed to tell you who you accepted the gift from and if you have more. I get windows internet explorer cannot connect with the site; either the site is down for maintenance, click refresh, and so on.

    I am not the only one having these problems. Please help as I really like this game and have invited quite a few friends to play.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    Avatar does not stay as chosen. As well, similar problem I am having with Farmville, I cannot post any bonuses for my teammates to pick up. The game just freezes up and the only way to play more is to refresh the game, then the bonus is lost. I feel bad; I'm picking up bonuses from friends, but can give nothing back. And I do not have any icons on the upper left hand side of the screen to request health kits or whatever with. Thus, between no request button and being unable to click that I'd like to request a health kit from a friend when I run down to zero, I have to wait forever for health to refill on its own.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    I just started this game today and I am having fun with it but there is also a little hiccup I cannot discover my gifts that my neighbors have sent to me. It’s a new game and there will be a lot of tweaking here and there but I plan to be patient. I am sure you have been receiving the similar comments. The only thing I would like to see are just my neighbors who are playing the game so when I send gifts I don’t have to rely on paper as to who are my neighbors and who isn’t? Why is the whole of my Facebook friends in that list when 4/ 5 isn’t even playing the game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    I can't add neighbors (nor send gifts) as I get several grayed out boxes that read, "The Page You Requested Was Not Found" It's hard to describe and I'd post an image of it if I could, but it seems attachments aren't allowed here. You can see my regular Facebook stuff at the top of the screen like normal, but then you see the grayed out box that shows that error message and another image of the top of my Facebook account. Very strange. Please contact me if you want me to send a screenshot to an email or somewhere. It's maddening.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    I have gotten several seals from feeds, yet all but one disappeared, so I just started selling them because I thought maybe you limited one per island of each animal or something. Now I see multiple seals, jellyfish, crabs, and so on, on other islands. My seals didn't swim from where I put them; they just vanished into thin air. How about a refund for all my lost animals? I found my seals; they did swim out and I found them once I went full screen. But I just hit level 11, and then the game bugged and I couldn't move, so I refreshed it, and I lost my level. I hit my level with my remaining energy and visiting friends, but that energy is gone now and my friends say I have previously visited them for the day, so you totally screwed me over and stole a level from me. Not to mention all the food I lost.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    When I am excavating an island, I can see the words "gems, +4" etc grayed out but totally visible. Cannot send any treasures via the wishlists posts people put up. You have to go into the neighbors view to do that. You should not be able to gift stuff you actually need to complete your treasure set. "You cannot accept gifts from yourself." Can't accept bonuses, says none are left, within minutes of it posting to your wall. Gifting in this game is all over the place, Fruits, energy packs (which it seems hit or miss to be able to post asking for these) regular decoration gifts. I have no idea what I can and cannot gift so that people can get energy and still maybe a decoration here and there. The over estimation of the need for gems. This game has more ineffective and unnecessary clicking it's not even funny.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    I have read through (most of) the posts, and haven't found anyone else reporting this problem, but since I (like apparently many others) am not capable to start a new thread, I hope this "reply" will get picked up: Due to lack of energy I had to leave 'Tiki Atoll' only halfway finished yesterday, thinking I could get back and complete it today. However, when I got back in today and clicked 'go treasure hunting', I was sent straight to 'Guarded Shores' and 'Tiki Atoll' shows up as completed on my map? I at a standstill had treasures not found on Tiki Atoll, so I am somewhat disappointed about not being able to go look for them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Found couple of bugs in Treasure Isle

    I am not sure if this is a bug or not, but if it is it probably needs to be addressed to prevent people from exploiting and leveling up fast. I noticed that after you use a gem on the Tiki statues and it sinks into the ground you can continue to click on the gem icon on the ground and keep putting gems in into it over and over gaining exp to as many gems you have. I get the same effect with the dynamite rocks, I can continue clicking on the rock pieces on the ground spend 260 gold and get 6xp again.

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