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Thread: Demon wings and angel wings in Dream World

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Demon wings and angel wings in Dream World

    I loved to play online games as they are helpful to make new friends faster than normal way of chatting. Recently I finish all the levels available of Farmville and start playing another social networking game from last two weeks. It is really interesting game compare to other games till now I played before this game. I am now on level 30. I just want to know about angel wings and demon wings present in this game. Their importance and key features and all that. I read manual book available on facebook. But it didn’t contain too much information about both types of wings. My all friends are unaware about this game. I need your help to know more about them. I hope you will get back to me with appropriate information as early as possible. Your every single line of information is valuable for me. I would like to say thanks in advance for your replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Demon wings and angel wings in Dream World

    Demon wings and angel wings are one of the important allies present inside dream world. Both of them have their own importance and features. They are helpful to players in many ways. Right now I don’t have too much information about them. I am just here to share with you the small piece of information that I know. Both angel wings and demon wings can be purchase by player against 38 gems. They both have same coast. You can also get them as a reward, if you are successful to open orb gate. But to open this gate you have to cross first 40 levels. As you told me earlier you are now on level 30 there is long way to go to get closer to this gate. And one more thing that is you can gift angel wings to your friends in order to help them to complete particular level this feature is no available in case of demon wings. That is you can easily collect angel wings from your friends as a gift, but for demon wings you have to complete that particular task associated with demon wings.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Demon wings and angel wings in Dream World

    Sorry! I don’t have enough information about demon wings. But I have small information about angel wings. An Angel wing is nothing but one of the ally present in dream world similar to demon wings. If you already have sufficient gems in account you can buy it against thirty eight gems. Angel wings have one key feature which is absent in case of demon wings that is there is facility provided by dream world to change the names of angel wings which is never found in case of demon wings. This particular ally always provides guaranteed happiness to player. In dream world every players ally starts at the same time when player’s character starts’ only have this much of information about angel wings. There are lots of feature which will help players to jump to next level. I will get back to you with more advance features associated with angel wings, for that gives me some time to gather information about them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Demon wings and angel wings in Dream World

    Demon wings is commonly bought ally. You can also get them absolutely free by fulfilling some requirements of dream world. The demon wings you get free are similar to the wings you purchase. The requirements that you have to fulfill in order to get them free are as below:-
    • Reach at level 54.
    • Enter inside demon gate.
    • Finish all demons unless and until orb drops.
    • Open new gate.
    • Defeat the boss associated with that gate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Demon wings and angel wings in Dream World

    I just want to tell you that I just got angel wings in dream world. Angel wings are really better ally compared to other high priestess like phoenix. Demon wings have healed as well as shield associated with it. That makes it better than other ally. One major thing that I forget to tell you that is block rate. The block rate of demon wings is far better than block rate of demon wings. If you are unfamiliar with the term block rate you will come to know about its exact meaning and importance of this term by referring the manual. I tell you instead of purchasing them try to get them as a reward or gifts as they require gems for purchasing. You can use gems for another purpose to take your level up or for buying other useful ally like white dragon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Demon wings and angel wings in Dream World

    I don’t know about both of them. But as I far my friends told me about them there is only one conclusion arise from it. That is angel wings are much better than demon wings if you are planning to complete particular level as quickly as possible. If you want to know more about these two allies present inside dream world I will suggest you to go with reference guides available freely on internet. They will provide you detailed information about each and every object present in this game.

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