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Thread: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Multiscreen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Test Drive Unlimited 2 Multiscreen

    Do you think that this game can be supported for the multiscreen for XBox 360 and the playstation 3?? Because I am having four screens and I want to know about the multiscreen compatibility of this game. I am not having much knowledge about this game, so it would be grateful if you people provide some information about this game.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Multiscreen

    I am not sure whether it will work for consoles because of its high resolution but it will definitely work for PC. No doubts in it.. Now talking about the game, Test Drive Unlimited 2 will revolutionize the racing genre by car racing experiences stability, progress, and customization by the user adds the. In Test Drive Unlimited 2 will the single player and multiplayer into one another without visible borders, creating a dynamic world in which the content and challenges are constantly developing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Multiscreen

    Players define their characters online using an unprecedented customization of their character and their vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing and other amenities of a luxurious, international lifestyle. All new racing modes, vehicles, challenges in the terrain, locations, and many more can this epic adventure to reach a new level of performance. I am sure that you will enjoy this game. And if you can play this in multi-screen, then that will be awesome.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Features of Test Drive Unlimited 2

    The following are some features of Test Drive Unlimited 2 :
    • CONNECT: TDU2 is Coming to you live with automatic updates of content and seamless On-/Offline-Integration. New content, challenges and functions are being integrated dynamically into the game as the world develops further.
    • EXPLORE: Explore all Ibiza! New ground, striking architecture and beautiful landscapes breathe a new life on the island. Take on hundreds of different missions in the game while you Ibiza experience of two thousand miles like never before!
    • MOOR: Massively Open Online Racing is coming back home! Test Drive Unlimited 2 expands the concept of the bog with a massive range of new opportunities. Levels to adapt their character to their playing style experience new kinds of online race and compete against other players around the globe!
    • COMMON: It is entirely new mode outside of the vehicles be one in which the player in areas that he other players with which it can interact with shares. New players out of clubs here are a crucial part of the game.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Multiscreen

    The following are some features of Test Drive Unlimited 2 :
    The following are some more features about it :
    • DESIGN: Turn an abundance of free options and show off your customized character to your friends and enemies. Give your car a personal touch by using customizable paint, bumper stickers, interior design and decoration. Customize your character to the smallest detail to: hairstyle, clothing, stature and behavior. Buy your dream house or a yacht. Decorate and furnish it and invite your friends to visit them.
    • DEVELOPMENT: Many new improvements, varieties and modes: weather change, day / night driving, vehicle damage and all-new controller! New racing modes such as Championship races, racing schools, racing cups and duels. Also new here: Off-road tracks and cars only for them.
    • FERRY: Test Drive Unlimited 2 puts you behind the wheel of some of the most coveted racing sled this time. This super-rare vehicles from limited quantities were masterfully reproduces to the tiniest detail.

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