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Thread: FrontierVille : How to find bears or egg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    FrontierVille : How to find bears or egg

    I m chopping trees in the upper right corner of the forintierville game and just two bears have been scared away. Just dancing through the forest does not see to effort. OK, I estimate it was my fault. I empty most of the trees to create room for 300 peanuts. Now I only contain about 4 of the 12-whack trees remaining. I've got a bunch of new trees place for whacking. How big does a tree need to get before a bear will jump out? I'll want answer to this before I start the Divorce quest. Cannot clear even 1 weed of whichever sort without receiving a snake. Can someone tell me how I can get an egg or how can I find the bear? I feed & groom the chickens but yet no egg. Is there something else I require to do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: FrontierVille : How to find bears or egg

    They require to be grown completely - 8 chops for pine 12 chops for oak. It is uncommon that you will obtain a bear from a little tree - it can take place - but it is actually rare - except you don't have to perform that quest - then it's more widespread. But for the majority of the bigger trees you tend to get additional one bear, if you take care of the bear foremost before ongoing chopping. Off a 12 whack tree I typically have been getting 5 bears per tree. But you're right the trees do grow again very leisurely and I feel like I'm in limbo right now with every quest. Just waiting for a bit to occur with every one of them. Happens the whole time when we have a quest to bash. I just kept at it. Kept feeding birds and chickens, planted crops to produce. I complete it to get egg. It took a long time for the initial critter to come into view, but then they came along with no trouble. so check out it may help you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: FrontierVille : How to find bears or egg

    I'm not having any troubles with critters. Empty your land - a appropriate part - so that skulls and rocks pop. Clear whatever thing else that grows in that land. Plant clover and produce it for gophers. Plant your seedlings and allow them produce into big trees, then chop that individual ones down for bears. Build a pair coops, and repeatedly harvest your chickens. I've accomplished this mission four or five times now. It's much simpler to use your cannon if you think you have a particular varmint hiding on your farmhouse. It will locate it anyplace and kill it with one shot, no require to move anything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: FrontierVille : How to find bears or egg

    I have a bunch of trees on my frontier game and plays regularly and all i did was whack the ones in he back so you couldn't inform they were whacked. My FG trees are now around 6-8 chopped, but you could never inform and I got all 10 varmints from whacking my trees. You can forever purchase and whack chicken coops over and again, then remove when you get to the end, start all over until you obtain the egg you require.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: FrontierVille : How to find bears or egg

    I frequently keep one of every critter anywhere on my homestead, and tackle them immediately. I have big trees growing near the border, so with no trouble I get bears and only require to clobber them a couple of times previous to they go off the boundary. And I keep a segment unclear with lots of skulls. Remove a skull and a snake appears and afterward clobbers the snake. I was capable to obtain 7 snakes with no trouble. It just appears that technique for the reason that they come up when you don't desire them so you come to anticipate them more. Perhaps you have a bear hiding anywhere, I'd use your cannon to observe if there is one. And to the OP, just so you recognize, it takes presently 2 weeks for an oak to produce to 12 whacks. You will most likely not to get a bear from a smaller tree, it's very rare. Not confident how long it obtains for pine to obtain to 8 whacks, someone here will know. But you'll obtain additional bears from oaks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: FrontierVille : How to find bears or egg

    I think that you don’t require to chop the tree them down completely in order to find the bear or any other animal. I have numerous old trees that I maintain. You simply require to whack the pines 3 times and the oaks 4 times, going for every trees I use to performed that twice and got the 2 bears I required. The trees self-heal in around 3-4 days. I recommend you move some of the buildings roughly and verify behind them. I had a gopher at the back of mine for a long time and didn't recognize it. Couldn't make out why I wasn't receiving gophers. Then I was moving stuff approximately and saw him concealed. I just chopped several trees that I was keeping in case I need to clobber some varmints. No bears subsequent to 5 full grown trees, oaks (13) or pinetrees (7).

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