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Thread: Cityville: How much exactly does the expansion costs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Cityville: How much exactly does the expansion costs

    Guys I am playing Cityville on facebook from quite some time now and all these while I think that I have been fooled all these days, I have brought too many extension for the shipping purpose as I always like to transport the materials through the ship as it is the fastest mode available in the Cityville, more over I have spent 20000 coins for each and every extension, so I didn’t mind about the cost at that time since I believed it was genuine. But yesterday when I was just going through the Cityville FAQs in the Help section, I found that the cost of the expansion was just 1000 coins per head. Now is this the real cost or is it that I have been fooled and have been charged heavily with the cost. Can someone mention the real cost of this expansion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cityville: How much exactly does the expansion costs

    Have you checked it correctly , it might be 1000 coins only, I have also bought 3 expansions so far for the extra space to hold the boats and each one of them even cost 20000 coins for me as well. I think that you might have checked the cost of some other element, although I haven’t checked the price in the FAQ’s under the help tab in the Cityville lately, but I can assure you that the cost is 20000 coins per expansions, as I have asked many of my friends about this and they have even suggested that it even costed them 20000 coins per expansion, so please don’t worry any more about the cost and enjoy the game as you can.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Cityville: How much exactly does the expansion costs

    I have even checked for the price of the expansion In the FAQ’s of the Cityville and found that mine too has been written 1000 coins per expansion, but the same has costed me 20000 while buying it for the shipping purpose. I am very shocked by seeing this and I feel as I was cheated for all this while, after doing the hardwork and earning the coins for the expansion, so as to get the transport of the materials to its destination as quickly as possible and later on to find that the actual cost was not even half of what we have given is something really very fishy. Now I think that the Cityville should give us back the extra amount that we have spend unknowingly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Cityville: How much exactly does the expansion costs

    Friends I have registered a complaint about the cost of the expansion to the Cityville authorities and they have replied me back saying that the cost of the expansion written in the FAQ’s of the cityville is the old cost that have been assigned when the game was prepared so, the cost is not at all true and the exact cost is 20000 coins which all have been charged for the extension. This was written at the very initial stage of the development of the game and that to change this we have to make the changes in the coding, so its better to keep it like that .

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