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Thread: PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

    Hello, i have a problem when i play games on my pc...e.g. call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2....

    my computer just totally freezes and i have to manually restart, the computer does not respond to ctrl+alt+delete or alt+tab, and when it freezes a weird looping sound comes out of the speakers, this is very inconvenient as i am doing well then i have to wait another 5 mins to get back in the game and play again.

    Computer specifications:
    Windows Xp Professional Version 2008 Service Pack 3

    Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16 GHz
    3.17 GHz, 2.99 GB RAM

    Graphics Card
    Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT

    Direct X Version 9.0C

    Driver: not sure how to use this, i downloaded one form nvidia for my graphics card and installed it but when i came back it the resolution was zoomed in heaps and everything was pixelated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

    You need to uninstall all the drivers for your graphics card by going into Control Panel >> Nvidia driver (or something) and then uninstall and then just restart your pc. Download the latest driver for your video card from and install it on your pc and then restart your computer again to let it successfully install. After restart right click on your desktop and set the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 and check if the pixelation issue disappeared and check by playing games as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

    yeh i updated driver but its still got the issue

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

    I think that your computer temperature might be getting too high which is why everytime you play the game, the pc restarts. So best you can do is open up the computer case and check whether the processor is getting hot or not. You can also go into your computer bios and check the temperature readings or else download everest home free by searching it on google and install it on your computer and check the temp of your pc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

    so what happens if it is getting too hot

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

    Your PC is good on resources to play this games. I have also played this games on XP but didn't faced any problems. Currently, I am using Windows 7 to play games and it is really good. In this situation, I would recommend you to update your XP to Win 7, if you can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: PC Freezing when playing call of duty modern warfare 2 , call of duty black ops, rainbow six vegas 2

    Quote Originally Posted by gunxorz View Post
    so what happens if it is getting too hot
    Obvioulsy, if your pc gets hot then it will temporarily shut down. You will need to put some cooler or might have to apply some thermal paste on your cpu. Also, clean out all dust inside your cabinet and check the temperature again, whether it is going down or not. Try to shut down all background processes while playing any game, which will also help you in some extent for the pc not restarting again and again.

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