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Thread: Do people still play MultiPlayer Game(Need A "Still Relevant" MP Game)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Do people still play MultiPlayer Game(Need A "Still Relevant" MP Game)

    I have tried on the way to stay true to the Call of Duty series, however subsequent to Modern Warfare,it go down the drain. Modern Warfare 2 was amusing at first, however started on the way to obtain extremely old, as well as the balance problem were unreal. I determined to attempt Black Ops following normally positive reviews. Just as awful. FFA spawns are very bad, steady lag (bad on PS3, I’ve played together both the versions), the unlock system is just outrageous to me. People campground yet harder than they did on Modern Warfare 2.I am receiving actually tired of each and every one of it. I desire a new MP experience, spirited is preferable however not completely essential. I am attractive close on the way to going reverse to single player just, however I’d rather offer it a shot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Do people still play MultiPlayer Game(Need A "Still Relevant" MP Game)

    Unluckily I believe the majority online games are not that great at all. There is a gear 2, not certain if a lot of people at a standstill play that. As well too bad rainbow six go down the drain. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is definitely my preferred. Also, attempt the Left 4 Dead games. Attempt Gears 1 & 2. Both of these games are at a standstill have sturdy community as well as the majority of the online problem have been ironed out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Do people still play MultiPlayer Game(Need A "Still Relevant" MP Game)

    You may possibly attempt Bioshock 2, I establish that campground is approximately missing in the mp, as well as the make use of plasmids provide a pleasant wind to it. The trouble is that it is type of leggy, as well as one or else two perks are kind of overwhelmed. I establish it on the way to be enormous in general, as well as I think it very much underrated. Attempt whichever Gear 2 or BFBC2, I have by no means played Battlefield Bad Company 2 however I heard a lot of fine thing regarding. Gear is an overwhelming multiplayer game which at a standstill has a batch of people playing it as a result ruling matches is no trouble. Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Do people still play MultiPlayer Game(Need A "Still Relevant" MP Game)

    Modern Warfare 2,an arcade game, has a extremely cool, TF- similar gameplay. Gears of War 2 are able to be enjoyable, if you are funnier of slow-paced shooters. Borderlands does not encompass aggressive Multi player (You be able to, on the other hand, duel as well as face extra players in arenas), however the Co-Op be able to be mind-blowing, particularly if you do it by means of friends. Ace Combat 6 is a huge game, if you in the vein of the genre. You be able to pick up Super Street Fighter 4 for subsequently to not anything at the moment as well as it is brilliant.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Do people still play MultiPlayer Game(Need A "Still Relevant" MP Game)

    I at moment do not encompass an Xbox as well as have not have one for a short time however I make use of to play Shadowrun each and every one the time. Was it pulling information similar to Halo? No, however there was extra than adequate people playing that I was more often than not always in rooms by means of new players.I will suggest you to go for a game you take pleasure in. You be able to provide Gears 2 a shot. Similar to someone mention, the new title update pretty greatly got rid of every problem by means of the game.

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