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Thread: Crash issue with Supreme commander 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Crash issue with Supreme commander 2

    I use a desktop machine that is been installed with Surpeme commander 2. I have installed Windows 7 to the same. The problem is that the game crashes a lot while playing. I do not know what could have caused the issue. Please help me out so that i can make the game to function.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Crash issue with Supreme commander 2

    You need to make the things to be worked by reinstalling the game application well as needed. It will be helpful for you. So in order to get the implementation to get worked you need to check out by reinstalling. I hope this will be better and work as required. Do work for the same. It will be helpful for you. So check as needed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Crash issue with Supreme commander 2

    Check well for the implementation that is required. You can work well. Remove the driver for the video card that you have worked. It will be helpful for you and process as needed. Do look out by getting the updated pack and then make the installation. It will be helpful for you and can process for the same by getting the conclusion as required. Check out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Crash issue with Supreme commander 2

    Basically it could be that the system may have been appended or affected with some threat. So in order to get sort of the issue you need to work well which is needed that is by using a good antivirus application which will sort out the change that is needed. It will be beneficial for you to work as required. So make the implementation that is needed. Check for the thing.

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