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Thread: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Preview

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Test Drive Unlimited 2 Preview

    MMO so focused on the automotive world, the first Test Drive Unlimited was not an ordinary racing game chaining lambda circuits. Eden Games had been able to mix the pleasure of racing and the discovery in a recipe convincing. This is essentially what will try to repeat after him, prosaically named Test Drive Unlimited 2, which has been presented at an event organized in Spain by Namco-Bandai. Larger, more comprehensive and more oriented multiplayer, Test Drive Unlimited 2 seems more catchy on the first appearance?

    Still the hands of its creators, namely the studio Lyon Eden Games , the license will be based more than ever on the community aspect and social Test Drive Unlimited 2 , introduced last week by its developers at Gamers Day Spanish Namco Bandai .

    Driving expensive sports cars just for the pleasure of the walk and chill with other players, such was the thrust of Test Drive Unlimited , repeated almost to the letter in the second episode. "Originally, we thought out a more improved fairly quickly, but the development of AITD and the acquisition of Atari has delayed the establishment of 2 Test Drive Unlimited , says its producer, Alain JARNIOU. The project was starts since leaving the first TDU , but the development of the version presented today really began about two years ago. " Among the list of complaints by fans of the original game, the developers they first heard about the content not very exciting part of the offline supposed to be revised upwards so.

    About the Game:
    Test Drive Unlimited 2 transforms the driving genre, adding the persistency, progression and customization of the latest multiplayer games to the auto racing experience. Test Drive Unlimited 2 blends single player and multiplayer experiences seamlessly, creating a dynamic world of evolving content and challenges. Players define their online persona through unparalleled customization of their avatars and vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing and other accouterments of a luxurious international lifestyle. All-new race types, vehicle classes, environmental challenges, locations and much more push this epic franchise to new levels of performance.

    Abandoned on an island in sunny landscapes, your goal is to scour the roads in your car. In a nutshell the principle of Test Drive Unlimited 2 . Under its apparent simplicity, this concept allows great flexibility in Game Design. A finding that appears immediately to the vision of all tasks can be completed in one session of play Pushing further its system to the community, as an Eden Games rightly follows the evolution of video games to more cooperation and interpenetration of solo and multiplayer modes.

    In fact, if the solitary part of the game remains consistent with various missions to accomplish and achieve specific goals related to the exploration of the environment, face "open" is the real source of interest for Test Drive Unlimited 2 . Hence the prominence of his avatar, much more prevalent than in the previous installment. It is now possible to talk directly with other players through a few basic moves, emotes and especially a better voice chat communication. But in order to appear as credible as possible, you'll still need to improve your stats in advance by raking in points four separate experiments: discovery, competition, and finally the collection office.

    In addition to a more substantial narrative and a new island inspired more varied topography of Ibiza, you should see the sudden emergence of many missions and modes of play unreleased solo sessions. To allow players to earn money without having to go through the races and missions, the mere fact of driving class, brushing against the other vehicles at high speed while drifting, will bring in cash.

    More gauge cost-savings will be, the higher the starting amount will be multiplied, but we must learn to pocket the loot at the right time lest the gains down to zero in case of impact. On the rise in levels of his avatar, it is divided on four aspects: competitive, social, collection and discovery. These statistics are given in the form of circular gauges the player's identity card, along with other information such as their favorite manufacturer, language or their favorite music from the various licensed tracks included.

    Game Features:
    • TDU2 is "always live" with automatic content updates and seamless online/offline integration. New content, challenges and features will integrate dynamically into the gameplay as the world evolves over time.

    • A whole new, out of car mode, where you can walk around shared spaces and interact with other players. New player run clubs are now a huge part of the game. New co-op play; follow the leader, keep your distance and enhance the experience within the social networking world.

    • Unlock a huge range of options and show off your custom avatar to friends and rivals. Customize your car with custom paint jobs, decals, interiors and trims. Customize every aspect of your avatar –– hair, clothes, physique and attitude. Buy your dream house or yacht, decorate, furnish and invite your friends.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Preview

    Sea, Car and Sun:
    Time-occupancy, the discovery represents the importance of areas updated by the player. Plus it discovers routes, environments and "treasures" and it boosted its share of exploration. And on the two islands. For here lies one of the surprises of this Test Drive Unlimited 2 . In addition to an island of Ibiza to the 930 km of roads will lead you to the track again on Hawaii, which has a little less usable areas despite its greater area. The notion of competition for it is based more on your performance in the purely technical part at the option of shopping, events and various cuts. The collection takes its logical aspect into account your earnings and the importance of your belongings.

    Finally, the social side is focused on your business related online. To gather experience points so you should create a network of friends directly dependent on the principle of clubs, much more accessible and profound than in the first episode. Attempting a realistic approach, Test Drive Unlimited 2 designs them as real associations that include a chairman and a treasurer. You're perfectly free to choose your members and to refuse requests. The main advantage of a club is to organize races in "internal" to compete more easily. This obviously does not prevent challenges to seek freedom in the image of Test Drive Unlimited 's first name.

    Just like your avatar, a club can also gain importance as to measure progress and propose new development opportunities. Kind of similar guilds of MMORPGs, these meetings drivers are not as practical. They also provide an opportunity to unlock cars unpublished become a kind of signature, showing everyone that you belong to a club with a size larger or smaller.

    Another important novelty of 2 Test Drive Unlimited is the club system, lightly sketched in the first game. With sufficient finances, anyone can buy a building, and open his own club custom to greet other drivers, unless he prefers to try to join an existing group. As in real life, the association will have a president and a treasurer, the founder of the club having the option to accept or reject all applications for entry, but also to exclude a member if necessary.

    To change the look of a room and expand its walls, you can count on donations from members as well as awards at the specific challenges to the clubs, either solo or against other groups of drivers. It is also possible to win or acquire certain vehicles only available as part of a club. As within all other buildings or outside the game while waiting for a challenge to participants, it will evolve in the clubs for the first person, a choice of entertainment is there to provide basic communication in addition to voice chat.

    Crossover or any other player included in his list of friends will accept the challenges that he will propose, the game is loading to upload avatars directly to your destination when they are too far apart. Already present in Test Drive Unlimited , the publisher will offer more challenges parameters (time reference, plot, entrance fees, rewards, and traffic volume, duration) to create challenges, but we will also choose through the Challenge option which will retain a snapshot at random from a list pre-established richer than before.

    Out of the box:
    Larger than the original island of Oahu, which will nevertheless be back with several amendments, the playing area of Ibiza should this time be fully visited, even outside the three types of roads (asphalt, and off-track Road) located on the satellite map. As usual, it will travel at least once a portion of the road so that he can instantaneously thereafter, knowing that we will have the opportunity to find wrecked cars off-road that will unlock the models bonus after a while. To not feel too lonely during his travels automobiles and prove his driving skills, we may invite a second player to take the passenger to enjoy the scenery and assume the role of co-pilot using icons or voice chat.

    Almost identical to the previous installment, however, the dealer will have a wider choice of vehicles, including the characteristics and basic settings will be faithful to the real models according to developers. If adding stickers pre-defined or customized cars is now possible, it will once again be content with a single tuner shop to improve the performance of its funds bourgeois, the addition of additional external or internal parts not in the agenda yet. "Nevertheless, we remain highly responsive to the community: if there is a heavy demand on additional options and they are technically possible, players are what he want ... within the limits of decency" said Nour Polloni, producer senior at Eden Games .

    Another new playgrounds are proving now more open with passages of skilled offroad that can be apprehended with a car bumper lowered, such as a Ferrari, but will be more pleasant with a suitable vehicle. Billed as thrust, physics of meteors will of course take into account the surface and the weather change. In addition, each model will be subject to specific ownership, according to its weight and its engine.

    And if you feel lonely, you will have the opportunity to take another player at your side with the arrival of the co-pilot. Once on the passenger seat, your companion will make you and chatted quietly tell you exactly when or upcoming turns in a rally that you have made it entirely. Car Test Drive Unlimited 2 , through clubs, authorizes the creation of custom challenge. Easy to access, this feature provides the potential to generate an infinite number of paths. To do this, simply set a starting point, draw the circuit, and place of arrival.

    An interesting idea that amplifies the aspect of "sandbox" game of Eden Games . At the same time and following the example of a Forza Motorsport 3 but in much less comprehensive, Test Drive Unlimited 2 proposes to customize their cars. So you can cover them with stickers and other decorations, remembering to repaint and change some parts. Those few moments spent with this title have relatively promising to realize its orientation very user friendly yet still suffers from some shortcomings such as inability to sell its cars between players - a principle that could still be built Nour Polloni, Senior Producer - or a festive look you want not inherently obvious. Still, Eden Games said to be very open to the arrival of future features and some additional online opportunities could be unveiled soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Preview

    Parallel to community demands, the team TDU 2 has additional downloadable content in mind, starting with the addition of big-engined two wheels after the launch of the game Cars for better cut-off runway the Lamborghini or Ferrari will, however, already included, as a purely visual management of damage and dirt, lower performance and body bent double is not in the agenda. The day / night cycle and weather will be variable, however, well represented this time, with rain expected but not great impact on the driving experience.

    Finally, the overall achievement has undoubtedly gained in quality, including side textures, dynamic shadows and glossy effects and reflections. The game world is still short of life in the absence of pedestrians on sidewalks or revelers on the beaches of Ibiza, but the changes are positive overall. It will nevertheless be several months to see what will be worth the final game announced for the autumn on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, knowing that a beta is seriously considered by developers.

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