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Thread: FF8 Pc vs Final Fantasy 8 on Psx, playstation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    FF8 Pc vs Final Fantasy 8 on Psx, playstation

    Hello , i have the Playstation version of Final fantasy 8 , I was just wondering if it looks better on the PC.usually The game seems to scream out for higher resolution when I play it on the PS1. so can you tell me Tell me which version is the better Final fantasy 8 PC version or the Playstation version or the FF8 on epsxe version? Cause I have a look on my freind FF8 PC version and found out that PS version is much more clearer , i would like to know your opnion about it , so does the game looks better running on ePSXe, or the PC version be better , please suggest thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: FF8 Pc vs Final Fantasy 8 on Psx, playstation

    PC version's graphics are more clean and crisp as the PC version will give you DVD quality movie.And 3D perspective correction with not found in PSX version.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: FF8 Pc vs Final Fantasy 8 on Psx, playstation

    the PC version is better than the PSX version , The only downside is the compatibility problems it has with newer hardware/ you have old hardware then For some reason the visuals will be crappy coupled with a really slow beginning and slightly awkward controls and in no way you can optimized the game to take advantage of the PC

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: FF8 Pc vs Final Fantasy 8 on Psx, playstation

    My pick would be PS FF8 under ePSXe, They are basically the same thing except that the PC has (much) sharper visuals. Plus, little things like load times and save times go by much quicker. for the simple reason that you can speed through those annoying guardian force animations (assuming you have a fast computer). With Pete's video plugins, you can use the Home and End keys to toggle frame rate limitation when the frame rate is shown. Battles go so much faster when you can summon GF's at 200+ fps.

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