Released on April 29 in Japan, Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans is a role-playing game developed by Monolith Soft that is best known for Baten Kaitos and Xenosaga series. Confirmed by the end of the year in our country, as called in the original Dragon Ball Kai: Saiyajin Raishuu, which proves that it was produced to accompany the dissemination refitting the animated series in Japan. Supposed to paste a series of more faithful to the work of Akira Toriyama, cutting almost a third the number of episodes compared to the anime that we no longer, and with a picture and a son in high definition.
In all logic, it is expected that the game is in the same perspective and focuses exclusively on the highlights of the first part of Dragon Ball Z. Well think again. Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans does, the original story, the fighting against Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta, the period from the end of Dragon Ball to arrive in Saiyajin Dragon Ball Z. And as that was a bit light for an RPG, Monolith Soft has had to exercise much imagination to take the adventure on a small thirty hours. This explains why the script is peppered with references to the Dragon Ball, with the unexpected return of characters that Son Goku is not supposed to review an adult. An idea that should still make the fans happy, especially since these new stories can enrich enough history to avoid falling into a mere succession of fierce fighting between Saiyajin.
It seems fairly obvious that Namco Bandai has the firm intention to make the Dragon Ball DS Kai on the first part of a (long?) Series, the face-to-face between Goku and Vegeta is only the beginning of DBZ period which then continues with the appearance of Freezer on Namek, the arrival on Earth of cyborgs and the dedicated Bou. There is still much to use for the developer, if that success is waiting for you, and it is not too worried about this given what we saw on this episode. The intrusion of random encounters and battles turn-in the world of Dragon Ball Z does not affect the dynamic of confrontation that Monolith Soft has been able to make surprisingly vehement. Each chosen action gives rise to a veritable barrage of combos and other waves that will play an even bigger scale when combined with the techniques of other characters or executed in Sparking mode. This is a state of fury that occurs when a person has inflicted or suffered a large number of consecutive shots, which allows him to unleash his most powerful attacks, such as Makankosappo or Genkidama. In addition, the S-Combos which are to bring the power of two or three characters in Sparking mode to perform various sequences and overpowering. The menu also lists all S-Combos that you have discovered, some can not be executed by choosing a technique with a specific character in particular.
Divided into fifteen chapters, the story introduces Interestingly each of the protagonists who become active members of your team. Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Piccolo and Tenshinhan are each put forward at various points in the game, but all will be available simultaneously before the end of the scenario, allowing you to renew the formation of your team depending on the situation. You can quite replace a character by another in combat without losing a turn, enemies can also be reduced, provided support at the right time given a button to trigger the guard force. Still a very good device that requires the player to stay focused even during the turn of the opponent and makes it even more addictive. But if there is one element that makes the game really addictive, it is adaptive management skills of the characters. At each level rise, our heroes reap points that you can distribute freely between different criteria depending on what you want to: the development and acquisition of new technologies, obtaining Sparking attacks or the changing character of the passive skills (HP, strength, recovery rates, etc.). In other words, the dilemma is tough at the beginning of the game, but the rise of our hero becomes all the more palpable.
We must still wait for some moments of adventure to be able to go freely in the different environments of the game As mentioned above, most refer directly to the Dragon Ball, but all have in common achievement rather neat. The sets are fine and sometimes destructible elements that require a certain level of power to be sprayed. Each place contains zones and secret hiding treasures or even crystal balls that you can detect by radar Bulma. This object is one of the many vignettes that you can activate during your exploration of the levels for certain bonus (renewal of life or spiritual energy) and impose penalties to combat your enemies (blindness or sleep early in the confrontation). There is a final palanque various capsules that offer all kinds of possibilities. As the seven crystal balls, once collected they can grant a single wish before they are scattered randomly on the world map. It is also one of the few quests that Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans, since apart from a hidden area and an optional boss we silent the name, is still quite soft sparing at this level. This adaptation is nevertheless successful and deserves your attention if you are a fan of both RPG and DBZ. Hopefully the French will be good idea to keep the original voices, otherwise the software could lose much of its flavor.