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Thread: Animal Crossing for Game Cube

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Animal Crossing for Game Cube

    I was surfing the websites for some interesting and exciting games to play and found this game - Animal Crossing for Game Cube. I heard the name of the game for the first time. Well, I am looking forward to download this game but I need your ideas about this game before downloading it.
    Kindly give your suggestions......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Animal Crossing for Game Cube

    Animal Crossing is one of my favorite games of all time. The main and the most interesting aspect of the game lies in its real world scenario. You will definately get the real world experience. In this, your villagers are animals! and as we normally do in the real world, you must build friendships with them, help them, and most importantly: show them respect!

    There are so many interesting things to do, like visiting the villagers, digging up fossils, writing letters, checking your mail, visiting other towns, going to your island, etc. Out of all the games I've played on the computer till date, this game has the most replay value.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Animal Crossing for Game Cube

    Game Features -

    • The game has a 24-hour clock. As day turns to night in the real world, it also happens in Animal Crossing.
    • Watch or join in as you watch the animal-people of Animal Crossing carry out their daily routines.
    • Build relationships with villagers, celebrate special days, collect furnishings for their homes and just live life in an innovative new gaming experience!
    • Works with Link Cable to connect your Game Boy Advance to your GameCube!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Animal Crossing for Game Cube

    According to me, Animal Crossing is a family game. Very interesting. In this, talking to your animal neighbors and sending them letters are the main portions. The animals obviously won't understand what you write in the letter, however in conversation they do most of the talking and leave you with only two or three response choices if you get any at all.
    Also each animal has a distinct personality and will talk about a wide variety of subjects.

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