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Thread: Tomb Raider Underworld DLC release date confirmed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Tomb Raider Underworld DLC release date confirmed

    Earlier this month, the downloadable content for Tomb Raider: Underworld at the last moment postponed. Today Eidos announced that the new chapter Beneath the Ashes on February 24 can expect.

    "Beneath the Ashes all testing by Microsoft and the release date of February 24, 2009 was," says Jason Walker of Eidos. He managed to tell Beneath the Ashes will be 948MB and the second extension in the form of Lara's Shadow 1.07 GB big.

    Around the time of the release of Beneath the Ashes, according to Walker will also patch some bugs appear in Tomb Raider: Underworld should be remedied. The second downloadable content, Lara's Shadow, is scheduled for release on March 10 and will like Beneath the Ashes exclusively for the Xbox 360 appear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Tomb Raider Underworld DLC release date confirmed

    800 points as is usual for (this type) DLC. But it strikes me especially on how big it is, together no less than 2 GB! If that hard drive of the 360 so full, therefore, already do that just as the price of the least to buy ... Tomb Raider is back back as far as I'm concerned, since Legend!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Tomb Raider Underworld DLC release date confirmed

    Why come back only for the x-box and not for all platforms?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Tomb Raider Underworld DLC release date confirmed

    Nice, I think the new Tomb Raider even a minute go play. Borrow it from a friend or something ...

    Quote Originally Posted by comodo View Post
    Why come back only for the x-box and not for all platforms?
    Because Microsoft just paid to serve as first / only the DLC, as they do in many games, more people buy a 360 because all the DLC's true

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Tomb Raider Underworld DLC release date confirmed

    That's awesome! Their solution to their "disappointing" sales of a second-tier action-adventure game (from a company who isn't really popular with some people due to PR gaffes) that manages to sell impressively is to call it a disappointment, cut staff and then end up delaying the DLC. Likely because they cut staff and had to reassign duties. Way to go there genius. Now we're going to have to wait longer to actually play the full TRU game.

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