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Thread: Gearbox working on Halo 4 for next Xbox?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Gearbox working on Halo 4 for next Xbox?

    Halo 4 will be a launch game for Microsoft's 360 follow-up, according to rumours in the October issue of the US Official Xbox Magazine.

    It wouldn't be the first time Gearbox has worked on the Halo series, having handled the PC conversion of Halo: Combat Evolved.

    With Bungie admittedly uninterested in creating Halo games ad nauseum, and Gearbox one of the industry's top FPS developers, we've certainly heard crazier rumors. And there are few licenses that would get a studio chieftain to inadvertently slam his own games in development. Whatever the project is, Pitchford has said he'll be directing it himself, adding, "When you find out what this is, you'll likely agree that I can't oversell this one." Nope, you probably couldn't Randy. Overselling Halo is Microsoft's job anyway; you guys just make with the shooting of the aliens ... no, the other aliens.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    We also know that Gearbox has something "big" on the way, after the company president Randy Pitchford gushed all over Gearbox' official forums about a huge new unannounced project to come.

    "The project won't be completed this year, or the next... It will be in pre-production with a smaller, focused team until after both Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway and Borderlands has shipped," said Pitchford.

  3. #3
    Dr. V Guest

    Halo 4 for Xbox 720 Launch???

    Halo 4 for Xbox 720 Launch???

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