We all like to share and use different wallpapers on our pc and on our devices. Now it happens that on may website you can find a single image. And you have to click two to three times to open that and then finally you can download or save it. So here I am going to give you some tips through which you can load the site a third party software and download multiple wallpapers at the same time. There are many download site that gives you a full pack of images. And then you can sit back sort and delete those which you don’t want. But there are certain exclusive images that you want and all of them are available on a single site.
You can try using a third party software that will help you to download things together and then you can save them on your system. You can choose what you need and ignore that you don’t want. There are two software I am going to suggest you here. You can use anyone among them.
Downloading Images using Bulk Image Downloader : Bulk Image Downloader is a paid software that gives you a easy UI through which you can load a download site on it and get the best wallpaper with one single click. It is fast and easy to use. Still you can test it.
Get Bulk Image Downloader and run it. At the top side you will find two boxes. First is URL of image/video and below that you can choose Download to folder. Under the URL provide address of a site from where you want the pictures. And below that under Download to folder you can select the place where you want to save files.
At the top side click on the scan. It will start downloading the files. You can check that later on and use them on your device. Through the right side you can arrange the images.