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Thread: Tips to speed up Android device through Seeder App

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Tips to speed up Android device through Seeder App

    Android phone are having serious performance issue when you load too many apps on them. They perform less and won’t give you good output. To overcome that you also get a lot of applications that can give you good output and amazing performance. There only one requirement to use such apps with maximum potential. You have to root your device. Rooting gives the app a super user access. That means an app can modify and do anything. WE will be using Seeder App for boosting up android speed. This reduces lags and offer amazing output. Lagging is caused when there are too many things running the system. They just consume the processing power and cause the phone to work slowly.

    But here Seeder can help you to stop those things and free more processing power for the other to work well. This app does not do any major changes in your system. It just optimizes the device output and makes it perform better. It not only makes your device to work better but it also boots app performance. It will load faster and in a better way.

    Process to speed up Android through Seeder App:

    Seeder App

    First install Root checker app and see that your device is rooted or not. Seeder is not going to work on un-rooted phone. Seeder is a paid app. It is very effective in boosting android performance. Go on Google Play and their search for Seeder App. Install that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Tips to speed up Android device through Seeder App

    Seeder App

    Reverify whether your device is rooted or not. You have to install SuperSu to manage app permissions. Once you had done granting Seeder Super Su right you have to enable a few options. Like tap on to run it. Then add a tick on Start Automatically on boot. There are three modes in the app. The first is Aggressive, second is Modest and the last one is Light. You can tap on Aggressive mode to speed up your device. AT the bottom you can see Available entropy.

    Few more things you can do to speed up Android:
    • Remove unnecessary applications.
    • Turn on Wifi, Bluetooth and Gps when not needed.
    • Avoid using heavy launchers and Live Wallpapers.
    • Use a good Task Killer to clear up the device ram.
    • Root your device and remove bloatware.
    • Turn off automatic app updates.
    • Avoid using free games and apps that load advertisement.
    • Use a good battery optimizer application.

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