eBooks are tiny readable digital books that are easy to share and carry. Now it happens that sometime you visit some good article on a website and you are not having time to read that. Or you want to share that with others, or want to keep that for future references. You can create eBook of that and share with people. There are some very easy way through which you can instantly convert a web page to a eBook. But not the entire website. Only the page that you are viewing. Some sites gives you a exclusive option to crate eBook. Like Wikipedia. In which you can create a eBook of your articles and then share it with others. We will be checking out different ways of doing the same. You can move the files in your phone and simply read them whenever you want.
Converting any webpage to a Ebook: We will first start with a online conversion. Like if you land a news site and you can find the article vey effective then instantly through a third party site you can convert that web page to a ebook and share that with others through email.
Dotepub -
Dotepub is the most easiest way to convert any web page to a ebook. You have to install a tiny add-on in the browser you are using. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Search for dotEPUB app on the Chrome store. And install the same. A tiny green icon will appear on the top side.