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Thread: Tips to manage your contacts on Android

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Tips to manage your contacts on Android

    Managing contacts on Android is one of the biggest issue according to me. The problem here is that the default contact book android will sync your Facebook, Gmail, etc contacts in your phone book. If you are having around 100 contracts then after syncing with your Gmail or social networking account it increase to more. And it becomes complicated to find the important. Most of the time I had seen that the default contact book also merge email ids, birth dates, and other details from connected contacts in the phonebook. Last time I had added my Live Id on my Smartphone. And what I found that all my emails of live ids were synced with the phone book. It was very annoying. I am having hardly 80 contacts. I do not save numbers which are not needed. This help me to keep things clean and I can remember people who's number is saved. But due to connected accounts lots of email from Gmail, yahoo, and live were synced and the list become really big. Here I am going to give you a few tips through which you can manage your contacts more effective. You can use a manual way of syncing your contacts through Gmail by uploading a csv file or you can use a third party app that give you cloud access. If we talk about automated processor managing contacts then you must not trust any app. Even Gmail has a issue with syncing all spam email ids in the contact book. I had tried all possibilities here which can help you to have a easier contact management. Through below process it becomes easier for you to shift your contacts from one place to another.

    Microsoft Outlook Address Book

    Microsoft Outlook Address Book: This one is the simplest process. First you have to add a contact backup application in your phone. It will generate a csv file. Launch Microsoft Outlook and click on Address Book. Click on File and import the contacts in it. The reason to recommend you Microsoft Outlook is that you can edit your contacts more effectively here. You don't have to install any third party contact editor. Once all the contacts are imported you can sort them out. You can add important details in every contact. This is a full manual process. Then you can create a final csv file which you have to import in your phone. For that click on File > Export. Choose Comma Separate Value (Windows). Save the file on your desktop. Now there is two ways to get this contact in your phone. First copy the csv file in the phone storage. And through phonebook click on import. It will search automatically in the phone and import all. And if you want to store this on cloud then you can use Gmail. Go in Gmail and click on Contacts. You can find that in a tiny arrow next to Gmail. Import the file in it and done. Go in your Smartphone and tap on Settings. In that click on Gmail account and then tap on sync. Choose Contacts and start the sync through menu key.

    Contacts + App

    Contacts + App: This is the second way of managing your contact. You can use Contacts + as your default phonebook. Once your contact is synced in Contacts + you can get them anywhere you want. This app brings out great interface with profile photos which it pull from your social networking site. It is nice to use but I found it slow on low end phone. Contacts + brings easy sync feature. You can connect your favorite social networking account on the same. You can import your contacts from Gmail. It becomes a bit heavy to use if you add to may account on the same. I found it effective for those who has a tablet. And you want something more than a regular contact book.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Tips to manage your contacts on Android imilar to Gmail, you can also manage your contact directly through The good part of using this online service is that it has a option through which it will automatically find duplicate contacts and merge them. This makes your job more easier. You don't have to spend much time in locating all duplicate contacts and them merging them through a third party software. does not directly online. It is free to use and has a smart interface. Through one single account you can easily manage all your contacts. It has some impressive settings through which it will automatically add emails ids of person who are in your contacts.


    Plaxo: Similar to Contact+, Plaxo is a third party contact manager. But this tool gives you more thing. You can use the basic edition for free. Plaxo offer you a huge amount of sync options. You can import all your contacts from Gmail, yahoo, live, outlook, etc. And you can setup a sync on your android phone. Whatever change you do will be updated no your phone automatically. You can access your contact book online and you can easily sync various things. I am quite sure you will find this more effective. It has a pro edition also which is paid and bring a lot more new features.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Tips to manage your contacts on Android

    I am using Which is similar to that. It is also easy to use and has simple option to sync the contacts. The good part of using this app is that it has a integrated feature to merge duplicate contacts. And it does not very effectively. You can sync your contacts from different places and you can import them in live id. And then you can merge them to make a single one. This is amazing to sort out multiple contacts which are created in the system. It is also very easy to use.

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